Goodbye Big Brother

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Since that night I noticed things had changed between Jacob and I. We flirted now and Embry always joked about us hooking up. We never let that night affect us, as a matter of fact, we never spoke of it. It was like it happened, keep moving forward. I wondered if Paul was right, did Jake like me more than just as a friend. I looked over at Paul as he punched the steering wheel. It was then I noticed his shaking.


"DO YOU THINK I'M FUCKING STUPID? THAT I WOULDN'T FUCKING KNOW." I cringed into my seat his voice shaking his car, I was scared. My brother had always had a temper but it seemed like since last month he had been easier and easier to upset. I went to speak but stopped as I saw someone standing in our driveway, Sam Uley. I quickly got out of the car as my brother slammed the breaks, shoving the car into park.

"NIKOLE!" My brother screamed so loud I jumped dropping all my things and stumbled into Sam. My brother stormed over to me shaking harder. I closed my eyes waiting to feel him grab me or do something; only it never happened. I opened my eyes to see Sam and this kid who's name I think was Jarren or Jarred, something like that holding my shaking brother. Sam looked back at me, sympathy in his eyes.

"I'll calm him down Nikole, go on inside he will be fine." Sam said turning back to my brother. I nodded walking quietly into the house. As I walked in I still didn't know exactly why I had let Sam talk me into going inside, hell he wasn't friends with my brother. I quickly dropped my bag on the table before grabbing a apple and a water. I sat down trying to focus on my math homework, something I hated. Hell what was 7a-3c= Y ever going to be useful in life. Once I got done I decided to make a quick dinner for my dad, Paul and I; neither had gotten back yet and it was going on 7. I quickly made some chili, using a family recipe and turkey instead of beef. I made honey cornbread to go with it. Once I was done cooking I grabbed a bowl for myself seeing as no one else had made it home. I finished my meal before giving up my waiting; I took a fast shower putting on some small shorts and a sports bra. I then went to bed, wondering how tomorrow was going to be.

The next morning I woke up, I didn't hear anyone so I walked around the house peeking in my father and brothers room. Still empty; where the hell could they be at? I wondered, I was starting to get a little worried. I brushed it off grabbing a banana for breakfast before walking out, I saw my brothers car still parked how he left it yesterday afternoon. I peered in the windows seeing his keys lying on the seat and smiled to myself. Mine now. I quickly got into Paul's car shifting my bags to the passenger's seat before I put on my belt and backed out of the drive. I knew if Paul showed up and his car wasn't there he was going to throw a total fit. I found it worth the risk considering it was starting to rain and I wasn't walking to school.

Ten minutes later I pulled into the student parking lot, I saw Jake pull in next to me with Quil and Embry in tow. We all got out, the guys smiling when they saw me.

"NIKKI!" They said hugging me. I laughed as I hugged my three closest friends.

"So Niks, everything ok between you and Pauly?" Embry asked.

"Not really, he was super pissed and kept yelling, when we got home for some reason Sam Uley was in our drive and him and what's his name."

"Jared?" Embry said interrupting

"Yea him, they took him aside saying they'd calm him and for me to go in. that was the last I saw him, he never came home last night and neither did dad. Then this morning I wake up and they are still gone."

"So how'd you get the car?" Jake smirked

"Well when I walked out this morning it was still in the drive exactly how he left it yesterday, I saw the keys on the seat and decided to take it since it was starting to rain."

"He's going to kick your ass."

"So, it's worth it." School passed uneventfully, the whole day I kept looking for Paul; it was to no avail as he never showed up. Jared didn't show up either. Jake, Quil, Embry and I walked to the parking lot stopping at Paul's black Chevy Impala.

"So you wanna go to the beach with us?" Jake asked opening my door.

"Sure, let me drop off Paul's car and grab some stuff, then swing by and get me."

"Sure thing, see ya in 20." He said before shutting my door. I quickly drove home running to my room, I changed into black basketball pants, with a black cutout one piece under it. I grabbed my hoodie before looking in the mirror and taking my hair down. I went downstairs into the kitchen grabbing the ingredients for some pot roast, I quickly got it ready tossing the pan in the oven on low. I jumped hearing a loud knock at the door. I opened it seeing Jake standing there smiling.


"Sure." I said grabbing my things off the couch and heading out. I stopped before I got in Jake's car seeing movement in the trees. I saw Sam come out and found myself running over to him. I know him and my brother didn't hang out so the fact he was the last person Paul was with I needed info.

"Where is he?"

"He's fine, he isn't feeling well and will be home soon. He says hi and he loves you."

"Thank you." I said as he nodded and walked off.

"You shouldn't talk to him." I turned my head seeing Jake looking at me with a worried expression on his face.

"Why? He's no harm."

"Yeah right." He scoffed, "He's like a cult leader or something, why do you think Jared stopped hanging with people and coming to school, he's all about Sam now, and I bet your brother just became the latest victim."

"Jake, I seriously doubt Sam is a cult leader, you're going to feel bad one day when you see everyone just misunderstands the guy."

"Sure, you can be the one to believe that." I rolled my eyes hopping in Jake's car. The ride to the beach was pretty silent, well except Quil and Embry in the back. When we got to the beach it was kind of windy so I put my hoodie on. We were playing around when I felt someone staring at me. I stopped looking around trying to shake the feeling. I heard some yelling and spun around. My eyes drifted to the cliffs where I saw someone falling. I noticed the two guys still left at the top of the cliff had jean shorts on and no shirts. I then noticed one looked oddly familiar.

"Paul." I whispered shocked to see my brother, what happened to not feeling well. Almost as if the wind carried his name to his ears Paul jerked his head around looking me dead in my eyes. He looked at me sadly before a small smirk appeared. He looked different than he did just the other day. His height had damn near doubled; he was probably like 6'3 now and a wall of muscle. It looked very intimidating.

"Is that Paul?" I turned my head looking at Quil

"Yeah, that's Paul." I turned back around watching as the three bodies of Sam, Jared and my brother retreated back into the woods. My brother really had changed. That night my dad came home, Paul still didn't. I was starting to miss that annoying big brother of mine.

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