Untitled Part 55

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A few hours later I was looking at myself in a mirror when Rachel walked in. I was wearing a simple all-black dress and a pair of black wedges. My hair was down and I had a bit of makeup on. Turning I looked at Rach as she closed the door.

"Wow, you look awesome."

"Thank you." I said giggling.

"He's going to be blown away, he's nervous as shit."

"I am too."

"How the hell are you two so nervous, hell you're freaking engaged."

"It's just been a while, between him leaving, me going to school, breaking up, getting knocked up, breaking up, making up, having Alex. A date hasn't really been on the plate."

"It'll be great, Paul and I are going to dad's tonight so you and Jake have the house to yourselves, we'll be back with Alex tomorrow."

"Ok, there's a list of."

"Nikole, we got it, stop freaking out."


I glanced in the mirror one more time before walking out. I made my way downstairs with Rachel behind me where I could hear Paul and Jake talking softly. If I could hear right Paul was asking Jake advice on how he proposed. That made me stop as Rachel bumped into me causing me to stumble as the guys looked up at me. Alex was resting in Paul's arms eating quietly.

"Are you ok?" Rachel asked me. I stared at my brother with my mouth on the floor quickly shaking it off.

"Um yeah, sorry foot kinda got stuck on something," I muttered as I played it off bending and looking on the floor.

I quickly stood before walking in the living room as Jake stood in front of me. Even been just under six foot myself he still towered over me at 6'7"; Jake was freaking huge. At the moment he looked so damn amazing he was driving me insane; he had on dark-colored jeans and a white button-up shirt that contrasted greatly against his tan skin. The slight goatee he was sporting made him look older but looked so damn good on him, his brown eyes sparkled like always and as I stared at him I felt like the luckiest woman on the planet. This guy was mine, forever. I broke out of my daze as my brother laughed looking at us.

"Shut it." I said looking at him before hugging him softly. I placed my lips next to his ear. "We need to talk for a sec." I said pulling away and pulling Alex from his arms, I handed him to Jake as I kissed his head. "We'll be back; I need to talk to him real quick."

I grabbed Paul's hand pulling him into the kitchen and out the door. As he walked out I grabbed the door and shutting it as I glanced at Rachel before turning around to him.

"You ok Nikki?"

"Yes, Paul I love you so much, I take you for granted a lot and I don't really tell you how much I appreciate everything you have done for me and how much I love you. You're the greatest brother that anyone could ever have and I'm so lucky; I'm so happy you found your imprint and I heard you; do it and don't be scared. She loves you more than anything and is the best thing to happen to you, she'll say yes and I know it; besides she wears the same ring size as me so there ya go."

My brother stared at me in amazement and wonder before a bright smile went across his face. In ten seconds he went from being stone still to moving across the deck and pulling me into his arms.

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