Family Dinner

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"HONEY I'M HOME!" The guys and jerked up looking at me as Emily jumped grabbing her chest before laughing. I was then bum-rushed and tackled by the rest of the guys.

"We missed you."

"I missed you guys too." I said hugging each of them tightly.

"You look different."

"What's that mean?" I said pulling back from Embry.

"You look different, older. Your hair is longer, you put highlights in it. It looks good, you do. I missed you."

"I missed you too Em." I then turned to Sam who was standing next to Emily and ran up hugging him tightly. If it wasn't for him I never would have got to leave, he trusted me, my judgment and control, he let me go when he didn't have to.


"Hello Nikole, how is school."

"Thank you so much." He chuckled softly while hugging me.

"You're welcome." I pulled away only to grab Emily in a strong hug causing her to laugh.

"Hi, Emily I missed you so much."

"I missed you too honey, school going well."

"Very, I'm already getting extra credits and my lowest grade is a b minus."

"That's amazing, I'm proud of you."

"Thank you Em, that really means a lot." She smiled brightly at me as she stirred something in a pot.

"Whatcha making?"

"Beef stew."

"Mm yummy, want me to make fry bread with it?"

"That sounds really good actually yeah."

I then helped Emily make dinner for everyone, I was happy I was content. Being home was nice and I can honestly say I have only thought about Jacob half the time. As Em and I cooked dinner the guys talked at the table, I could hear the conversation easy, part of the reason I think Sam was doing it. They were talking about Bella and the entire situation we were in. they had filled me in on what had happened in better detail now that I was here. After we ate dinner and I helped Em clean the table Sam spoke again.

"Nikki, the guys are about to head out for the meeting, you sure you up to going."

"Yeah, I'm good." I followed my brother, Jared, Quil, and Embry and shifted away from them before meeting up. I couldn't help but be nervous and think about things, seeing Jake again.

"Nikki stay alert."

"Yes, brother." I said in a slightly annoyed tone. A few minutes later I could hear heartbeats and smell Jacob. Seth and Leah were with him. I got a tingle in my body and felt a tug in my chest. Jake was on the other side of this hill, my Jake.

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