A little Complicated

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We looked at Alex and I took him from Paul as Rachel took the food out.

"Buddy we got something we need to tell you. How would you feel about being a big brother?"


"Yes, bud mommy is having a baby." Jake said ruffling his hair.

"Where baby."

"Mommy's belly." Alex looked at my stomach looking at his dad.

"Mommy eat baby." Paul snorted in laughter as Rach smacked his arm. Jake and I chuckled looking at Alex.

"No she didn't eat the baby, the baby is growing in her belly."


"No buddy, you're having a sister." Jake said, holding him. Alex pouted looking at me.

"No, I want brother, take it back."

"We can't take her back buddy, she's a girl."

"Uncle Paul make them take it back." He said reaching for Paul. Jake let Paul have him and Paul laughed.

"Hey, you sound like I did when I found out I was having a sister."

"You do?"

"Yes, I have a little sister too and you may not feel that way now but having a little sister is the greatest gift of all."


"Yes really, she may be the biggest pain in your butt but she will be your best friend and biggest strength. You have a very important job now kiddo."

"What." I smiled leaning into Jake watching as Paul spoke to my son. It warmed my heart and was bringing tears to my eyes listening to him speak.

"Yes, it is your job to take care of her. As a big brother you need to always be there for her, always protect her, keep her safe from harm, bullies, and boys. You are going to be the first guy in her life, her first love aside from your dad there. It's your job to show her the way through life and how she should be treated and you make sure she's safe and treated well. Can you do that?"


"Good." Paul glanced at me smiling as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Thank you." I mouthed at him. His smile brightened as he picked Alex up nodding at me.

Sarah Nizhoni Tala Black was born on a cold but sunny day on January 14, her dad's birthday. It was a little complicated as she was premature, she was not waiting any longer to come to the world even with Carlisle giving me terbutaline to stop my labor, she just wasn't having it. Then to make matters worse I bled more than I should have. I was unaware of most of this as I became unconscious and Jake, poor Jake felt like he was going through Bella dying again only this time it was much worse. I was out of it for a week, thank god we had her name picked out and such strong people as support because honestly, Jacob would not have made it. According to Bella he and Paul both freaked out, Paul broke Jake's jaw thinking I had died and Jake wouldn't stop panicking and crying. Rachel and Rose took care of Alex thankfully because Paul and Jake were useless.

Waking up I was sore and thirsty, surprisingly I was tired as hell for being in a coma for a week. The first person I saw was Jake, his head on my bed, dried streaks of tears marrying his tanned face. I touched him causing him to stir and jump up.

"Nikki!" He fell back before jumping up and grabbing me hugging me as he started to cry. I hugged him utterly confused as to what was going on.

"Jake, baby why are you crying?'

"Why, why do you have any idea-"

"Clearly not-"

"I thought I lost you." He said crying.

"Oh, Jake." I said wiping his face and kissing him softly. "I'm not going anywhere."

"You almost did Nikki, I thought you were gone."

"How long have I been out?"

"A week." I was even shocked at his response. "What happened."

"You tore more than you should have and were bleeding, no one knows how or why and then your healing was making you start to heal and bleed more, baby there was so much blood, it was like Bella but you are my wife. We thought you were gone, your heart was slow, hell Paul broke my jaw-"


"We thought you died, Nikole! We were both terrified, scared, emotional, and pissed."


"Rach and Rose have been helping, lord if it wasn't for them it would have been a mess, me and Paul have been beside ourselves."


"Your brother is feeding her, she's good, small but she's somehow healthy. I'll be back." Jake kissed me passionately before darting out of the room, no doubt to get our kids. Carlisle quickly looked me over letting me know everything was ok. I looked up as the door opened and my brother burst into the room and into my arms, eyes shining with tears.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." He said hugging me tightly. I hugged back, I can honestly say this is the only time in my life I've seen him scared.

"I'm ok, I love you too.' Paul hugged me tighter and I could tell the tears in his eyes were getting ready to fall.

"I love you squirt.' I heard a small noise and looked to where Jake was holding something in his arms.

"Sarah." I whispered softly. Jake approached and placed the small child in my arms.

"Alex is asleep right now." I nodded not taking my eyes off my daughter, tears coming to my eyes. She looked at me, her brown eyes big and bright, nose and mouth like Jake.

"She's perfect."

"Yep." Jake said kissing my head. We had chosen her middle names because of what it meant. Nizhoni meant beautiful, while Tala meant wolf. For Jake and I, it made sense and of course, Sarah was in honor of his mom. I couldn't believe my amazingly perfect family, I had the most amazing life anyone could ask for.

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