Part two

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"Oh my goodness! The egg is hatching!" A umbreon squealed.
"Do you always have to be this energetic Luna." A flareon said.
"Well I should be our egg is hatching! Flare!" The umbreon named Luna yelled.
"Fine, fine." Flare the flareon said.
"It took so long to get a egg... we're lucky mew gave us this one... I wonder what it will hatch into... I hope a Eevee so it won't know we aren't it's real parents..." Luna said really really quickly.
"I don't know... it hatched really fast for a Pokémon... maybe a magikarp." Flare said
"No... why would mew want us to protect a magikarp... they're really common." Luna said.
"Well we shouldn't just guess... let's find out!" Flare said and they both snapped their heads towards the egg.
The egg burst open in a explosion of eggshells.
A small male Eevee popped out.
Urgh! I'm male!!! The Eevee thought and wanted to yell at mew.
"Well... a male Eevee! Just what we wanted! Right flare! We will... name y-"
"Don't you dare name me nugget!" The Eevee yelled.
"How did you know?" Luna said frowning and beginning to think very hard on what she wanted to name him.
"Um... how does the egg already know how to talk?" Flare asked
"Probably blessed by mew or something..." Luna said as if she didn't really care and was to busy thinking of a name that pokemon other that her wouldn't think were stupid.
I changed fate! The Eevee thought.
"... I guess we can just name you... Hunter for now... since you haven't evolved yet and I don't want to pressure you to evolve into anything..." Luna said actually sounding not stupid for once.
"Please tell me my full name..." the eevee, now named Hunter said.
"Fine... Hunter, Nugget, Winters." Luna said
"Nooooooo!" Hunter complained
"Oh... yah you still have nugget in your name and there's no changing it." Luna taunted
"So why is winters my last name... which of you has that as their last name?" Hunter asked.
"None of us." Flare stated.
"Yah... I gave you the last name of him." Luna said.
"So he must be important... how do you know him..." Hunter asked.
"He seemed nice so I asked him his last name." Luna said stupidly.
The jolteon waved from a corner.
"Um... ok but what if he is like a murderer or something I don't want the last name of a rando." Hunter complained.
"Well there's no changing it... it's written in stone." Luna said.
Hunter saw a rock that had his full name carved into it with a harder rock and he jammed the rock on it until the last name part was gone.
"Hey! Now I'm going to have to do that again!" Luna yelled.
"Eh... change my last name then." Hunter said.
"Never!!!" Luna yelled.
"Hmph!" Hunter turned away from Luna.
"Let's get going!" Flare yelled.
"Where?" Hunter asked.
"We need to get some shopping done because we are completely out of food." Flare said.
"Can you do that by yourself Flare? I need to take Hunter on the tour of the city and give him all the info he will ever need... we also need to see everything so we have to walk... which will take a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long time... maybe even days!" Luna said.
"Fine I'll get it myself... just don't expect me to get what you want." Flare said.
"I'll get what I want on the way... also a birthday present for Hunter." Luna said.
"So how long was I in the egg?" Hunter asked.
"We got you at the start of today and that's why we don't have any presents prepared." Luna said.
"Okay..." Hunter said.
"Time for the tour!" Luna exclaimed.
"Ugh!" Hunter groaned.
"No amount of groaning is going to stop this from happening!" Luna said.
"Fine... something just feels wrong... like something bad is going to happen." Hunter stated.
"Then something bad probably will happen." Luna said.
"Maybe... we should take flare with us and go shopping on the way..." Hunter warned.
"Nah!" Luna said.
"You are such a idiot." Hunter said in a way that it was barely audible.
"What did you say!!!" Luna yelled.
"Nothing..." Hunter whispered in a high voice.
"Good." Luna said.

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