Part fifty seven

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Hunter sprang up from a bed with a terrible headache.
Hunter got up and the room was spinning.
When did I go back to the guild?
Hunter looked around him and noticed he was in the medical wing, some Pokémon were glaring at him but none of his friends were there, that was a bad thing and a good thing at the same time...
Hunter yawned and tried to get up again, this time he succeeded but a IV ripped out of his arm.
Hunter yelped in pain.
Hunter suddenly felt dizzy and fell back into the bed, everything went black.
Days later.
Hunter woke up and looked around, he was still in the guilds medical wing but there was a large tv on one end of the room blasting out words, thankfully hunter was in the middle of the room so he could see the tv very well.
"A new disease has been found all across the world, in some ways it is similar to pokerus in the way it makes you stronger, but it has also been the cause of extreme aggression in some Pokémon, if your loved ones are ill, bring them to the nearest prison immediately were they can't harm anyone."
I sure hope no one in here has that... hunter thought.
Hunter saw a child sitting in the bed to the right of him.
"You scared?" Hunter asked.
"Yah..." the child said seeming exhausted.
The child was a very small togedemaru and it's parents were no where to be seen.
"So, you think you have it?" Hunter asked.
"No... I wasn't exposed to anyone or anything that could give it to me..." the small child said.
"What you in for?" Hunter said sounding a lot like a prisoner.
"My mom brought me here to visit my brother but a weird Pokémon attacked me."
Hunter didn't want to alarm the child by saying they could be exposed so he just was silent.
"So how do you like the food here?" The child said.
"I haven't got any yet, it's probably the same as the guild food though... so it's great!" Hunter said.
Hunter tried to get up but none of his muscles seemed to be working and he fell limp onto the bed.
Hunters head pulsed in pain and he tried to reach for it to silence the pain but his arms refused to move.
Hunter wanted to curl up into a ball but he couldn't do that either.
Hunter watched as his arm slowly lifted up, not under his own command but he forced it down.
Hunter struggled to sit up despite his body trying to move elsewhere.
Hunter reached for a pencil with a shaky paw and began drawing out a board game.
Eventually Hunter groaned and decided to give up.
Hunter noticed something odd.
Hunter woke up.
Huh? That all seemed so real...
Hunter looked beside him and saw the small child shivering in a bad dream.
Hunter shook them awake.
"What's wrong?!" Hunter asked.
"N-nothing." The Pokémon said in a rush.
Hunter knew this wasn't true but decided not to annoy the scared Pokémon.
Hunter turned to his other side and saw a Pokémon from a region far off, a regional variant of zorua that was mostly bipedal and had blue accents instead of red and some on different spots.
It groaned in its sleep after rolling over and touching a wound.
It was about to roll off the bed so Hunter got up and moved it.
Hunter remembered the board game he was making in his dream and decided he would do that since he couldn't sleep with all these injured and sick Pokémon around him.
I wonder what that dream was about... probably just useless stuff, but I never really have dreams that mean nothing... why am I in the hospital anyway?
Hunter looked at the wall and small pieces of paint twinkled as they slowly drifted of the wall like snow.
Hunter sat up.
Hunter heard the door creak open and turned towards the noise.
A certain shinx and houndour walked in.
"Umm... we came to visit... but... also... eclipse... she is really sick..." Bash whispered.
Hunter looked terrified.
Why does he look so scared? Thunder thought.
Hunter got up and started to walk outside of the room.
Thunder and bash followed close behind.
Hunter went to the medical room that Eclipse was in.
Hunter sat by Eclipse's bed but was pulled away by Thunder.
"You might not want to do that..." Thunder said but Hunter didn't move.
Eclipse's eye opened, the white was tinted pink.
Veins showed and a snarl appeared on her face.
"Get back!" Thunder yelled and tried to yank Hunter away but he didn't budge.
Eclipse with new energy leapt off of the bed and onto Hunter, she was much stronger then Hunter remembered but he kicked her off sending her flying into a wall.
Eclipse swiftly leapt onto hunter again and attempted to slash him with her horn, Hunter narrowly avoided this attack and Hunter used iron tail with intentions on nocking her back, she didn't budge.
Thunder and Bash seemed confused, they didn't want to hurt either of their friends.
Hunter kicked Eclipse's horn causing her pain.
Eclipse lunged at Hunter again and brought her claws to his throat and was ready to dig them in and end his life when he grinned and used iron tail on her horn.
Eclipse screamed in pain and blood dripped from her head, her horn had been ripped off.
Eclipse seemed to not be balanced since the weight of her horn was gone and Hunter used this chance to knock her over and hold her down.
But the absol wasn't done, she let out a loud screech and her horn appeared on her head.
The absol pressed her paw onto a mega stone and white light covered her.
Hunter got ready to dodge or attack.
The mega absol attacked first and grazed Hunter who almost dodged.
Hunter was flung to the wall by the force of the attack, Hunter leapt off the wall and landed on the absol.
The absol fell over from the new weight and Hunter used this chance to used iron tail.
The absol flipped over and pinned Hunter under its weight.
Hunter rolled away and jumped to his feet.
The absol tried to use slash and Hunter didn't bother to dodge.
Hunter's tail was glowing as he was knocked to the wall.
Hunter leapt back into the battle and whacked the absol with his glowing tail, she was flung to the wall and she was now knocked out.
"Uh... Listen to me next time!" Thunder yelled.
"Next time help me." Hunter said.
"Should we... secure her..." Bash asked.
"I don't know." Thunder said.
Thunder felt a queazy felling in his stomach and assumed it was from the stress, it didn't get any better, it got worse, until Hunter passed out.

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