Part seven

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Hunter began leading the litleo and thunder back to the town.
They would be so lost without me here... they don't even know how to track stuff down with their noses. Hunter internally judged.
They soon got back to the town with Hunter's excellent tracking.
The litleo saw it's mom and yelled.
"Why did you get this feral to rescue me!"
"Huh... it's rude to call people that."
"He tackled me and said it himself."
"Oh... well I didn't know."
"Oh don't worry I wouldn't hurt pokemon!" Hunter said.
In this there is lesser animals that don't think and just act on instinct.
Hunter and Thunder went back to the sign up board to continue signing up when they saw their names were crossed off.
Hunter and thunder re wrote their names and all the things needed on the board and were walking away when they caught a vulpix red handed trying to cross off their names.
"Hey! Why are you crossing off our names!" Hunter said flinging the vulpix to the side before it could mess with their registration sheet.
"Only a certain amount of teams get in so I'm just insuring i do!"
Hunter stayed guard of the sign up sheet until the guild messenger came and took it.
Hunter's stomach grumbled and he went into the forest to go hunting but thunder stopped him.
"We can get food over there." Thunder said pointing.
"Fine." Hunter said grumpily.
They walked into the restaurant and thunder ordered pancakes for both of them.
In came two giant piles of pancakes on a styrofoam takeout box.
A while later.
"I'm stuffed!" Hunter exclaimed sighing.
Hunter noticed a houndour outside getting shoved to the side by a fennikin and a shiny Eevee.
"Hey stop it! What did they do to you!" Hunter yelled.
"We'll them and their Absol friend are trying to ruin the guild for everyone!"
"By bringing bad luck!"
"Absol's don't bring bad luck they warn Pokémon of it." Hunter said.
The houndour looked around and the Absol stepped out from behind a tree.
Hunter took a closer look and they where obviously malnourished children.
They probably weren't allowed in the restaurants from fear of something bad happening.
"Hey guys I have some untouched pancakes if you want them."
"Really!" They seemed to act like it was Christmas when they heard this.
"Yah sure! I'm to full to eat them."
Thunder walked out and saw the 'bad luck' pokemon and stepped back.
"Um Hunter... that's bad luck."
"No it's not!"
Hunter asked the two Pokémon if they needed a place to stay and both of them shyly nodded.
"Come with me! I have a house you can stay in." Hunter said.
The small group followed Hunter to her house deep in the woods.

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