Part twenty seven

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"Aurgh! What happened!" Thunder groaned with a obvious headache.
"Nothing important." Hunter said.
Hunter walked in a alleyway because he felt as if it was calling for him.
Hunters eyes began glowing white and a burst of pure energy came from him like when summoning his power.

Hunters eyes began glowing white and a burst of pure energy came from him like when summoning his power

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Hunter watched as all all eight eeveelutions formed around him, but this time they seemed to be alive.
"Hello, Hunter." The flareon said.
"Hi, why did you want me to come here?" Hunter asked.
"We wanted to get to know you so our souls can be closer bonded with yours, that will allow you to use your power without being as tired, you can also use it with your necklace off that way." The leafeon said.
"Ok, we'll I'm Hunter and my parents died." Hunter said.
"You mean your adoptive parents, your real parents... yah it's kinda obvious, you know those pokemon who helped you after you switched bodies and passed out in the woods... well... they kinda are..." the glaceon said.
"So your saying mew stole me from them?" Hunter said.
"You can go to them at any time, mew took you from them so that you wouldn't die from a fire that recently burnt down the forest they used to live in." The espeon said.
"How did he know?" Hunter asked.
"That pokemon I helped beat up?" Hunter asked.
"So... are you different versions of me?" Hunter asked.
"No, we have been trapped in the pendant for ages, we are using you to get out, if you took it off now... you... would die..." the umbreon said.
"So are you going to take over my body or something? Are you evil?!" Hunter asked.
"No, we just need to gain physical forms and the only way is for you to find eight special orbs."
"Ok how?" Hunter asked.
"You will find out later, until then we should tell you our names..." the vaporeon said.
"The vaporeon's name is aqua. The flareon's name is flara. The jolteon's name is jolt. The umbreon's name is umbra. The espeon's name is ruby. The glaceon's name is frost. The leafeon's name is sun. The sylveon's name is Silva." The jolteon said referring to them all in third person.
"Ok... so if going to go back to the guild now... before I get in trouble..." Hunter said.
"Your not going anywhere!" The espeon yelled and flung Hunter to the wall and held him with her psychic powers.
"We need you... we need to bond our souls." The umbreon said more calmly then the espeon.
"Fine. Just get it over with."
"Ok!" The sylveon said with enthusiasm.
Darts of several colors shot into Hunter leaving him in pain and tired.
"Ok we are done with you for now." The eeveelutions said as they faded away.

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