Part fifty three

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Hunter lunged at the Eevee
The Eevee swiftly dodged and stared at Hunter smugly.
"So it looks like I have to take care of this little weakling, can't fight without special big boy powers huh?"
Hunter growled.
"Just because one attack misses doesn't mean I can't fight!"
Hunter purposely left the next attack easy to dodge.
Hunter took several hits and did several 'failed' attacks before hitting the Eevee in the middle of the face as hard as he could.
The Eevee fell back but quickly sprang up and used iron tail on Hunter catching him unaware.
Hunter swiveled around unfazed and used bite on the Eevee.
The Eevee managed to almost dodge leaving only a small wound.
Hunter used shadow ball.
The Eevee reflected it with a iron tail.
Hunter dodged and used swift on the Eevee.
The Eevee dodged only getting hit by one star in the end.
Hunter used swift on the ground around the Eevee.
"Hah! You have lousy aim!"
Hunter used swift again but there was nowhere the Eevee could dodge without stepping on the star shaped items.
The Eevee leapt in the air and was launched by the flying stars outside of the circle.
Hunter used iron tail.
The Eevee seemed fairly injured and began to walk away.
"No silly! This isn't a regular Pokémon battle! This is a fight to the death!" Hunter yelled with a joyful and evil cackle.
Hunter jumped onto the Eevee and used bite.
The Eevee turned around and used shadow ball in Hunter's face leaving him no time to dodge.
"If it's to the death you want! Your loss!"
The Eevee 'pinned' Hunter.
Hunter kicked all his limps up with all of their strength and launched the Eevee sky high.
The Eevee landed with a sickening thud, but this wasn't over yet, not until one of them was dead.
Hunter trotted to the Eevee and used bite on its neck, the neck fluff made it hard and the Eevee struggled weakly against Hunters monstrous strength until blood soaked through its scuff and its struggling stopped, that's when Hunter knew it was over, that's when Hunter let go.
Hunter knew he was a murderer now but that was ok with him.

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