Part six

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Hunter woke up to the soft breathing of Thunder.
Thunder shot up like a bullet.
"What's for breakfast!" He yelled.
"Food." Hunter said flatly and dropped the meat from yesterday on the wooden table.
They both ate and Thunder looked like he wanted to complain but he didn't.
Hunter knew his food stores were empty but didn't want to leave thunder alone to trash his house.
"Come with me... we need to get more food."
"But I don't want to kill anything." Thunder complained.
"Thunder... in this world it's kill or be killed and that's what I had to learn to survive in this forest. But yah... we can get some berries... they should be done growing by now."
Thunder bounced up and down as they picked berries and brought them to the food room.
Hunter sat down on his bed and waited for the sun to set.
"I'm bored." Thunder complained.
"If you move too much you starve." Hunter said.
"We should form a explorer team."
"Because you get money and all the Pokémon in town are nice."
"Fine show me and see me say no." Hunter said.
Thunder and Hunter set off to town.
2 days later.
Hunter was in town with thunder and thunder showed him around.
This brought back memories to Hunter.
"I can find my way around on my own!" Hunter yelled.
"Fine." Thunder said.
Hunter ending up getting lost in this town and ended up having to find his way back to thunder.
"If you make a team with me I'll lead you around."
"I don't even know what a team is! I've been living in the forest since I was one day old!" Hunter yelled.
Thunder gave a grunt of annoyance and said,
"A team is made up of four Pokémon who want to help other Pokémon for money and items."
"Fine. I want the money." Hunter said.
They began walking to the team registration board to sign up when they heard a cry for help.
They looked around and saw a female pyroar calling for help.
"What's the matter mis?" Thunder asked.
"My baby... he is lost in those woods! And there's Pokémon that hunt for food in there!"
"You got that right." Hunter said innocently licking remaining blood off of his teeth.
"This can be our first mission!" Thunder said when they walked away.
"Cool. I know the way of the woods so I lead this time." Hunter said and began to track down the litleo with the scent on its mother.
It was easy for Hunter to track it down.
"This Pokémon does not know the way of the wild and he could be hunted down by me in seconds if I wasn't trying to keep him alive." Hunter said.
"Shut up I thought you said you only ate animals that weren't Pokémon." Thunder said.
"I do. I'm just saying." Hunter said.
Hunter looked confused for a while.
"His scent leads this way but the paw prints of a litleo go this way." Hunter said before deciding to continue with the scent trail.
They soon got to a fallen tree and could see fur sticking out from under it.
Hunter pulled up the tree and revealed a litleo hiding under.
The litleo let out a squeak and darted away.
The litleo was soft from town life and Hunter easily caught it.
The litleo struggled for a while before letting out a ember.
Hunter's grip held strong until the litleo seemed to give up.
"Wow. He really must've thought I was gonna kill him." Hunter said.
"Don't worry, your mother just wanted you back home and we came to take you there." Thunder said.
"T-then how did he track me down! Why does he smell like a feral! Why is he pinning me!" The litleo yelled in a burst of rage.
"Because running would only get you more lost. And I am a feral, but not all feral Pokémon eat other Pokémon." Hunter said, frowning.

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