Part thirty

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Hunter was on his way home and he saw several knocked down trees and upturned rocks.
Hunter saw a blue shape and could hear raspy breath coming from it.
Hunter ran over to see a very injured azelf.
Hunter decided moving it would probably end in its death so he put it on top of a clean tarp and began patching up its wound, this seemed to be working but Hunter noticed that it was also half starved and had a bad fever.
Hunter went out and gathered some berries and put some cold river water in a plastic food bag.
Hunter put the bag on this strange Pokémon's head and force fed the knocked out Pokémon some of the berries.
Hunter put his coat on the ground and used it like a mattress and slept very uncomfortably through the night.
When hunter woke up the Pokémon seemed to be even worse so he tried some other things but they didn't seem to work any better.
Hunter saw a nice girl Eevee walking by and reluctantly asked them for help.
"Sure! I know a thing or two about medicine from my dad... let's see how bad it is..." the Eevee named jewel walked over and began doing stuff and ordering Hunter to do stuff too.
Once it was nighttime Jewel left and Hunter was alone again.
*you know she will be your mate one day.*
Hunter went to sleep.
When Hunter woke up in the morning Jewel was back and rushing around with stuff.
"What's wrong!" Hunter asked.
"They're dying!" Jewel yelled.
Hunter ran over, it was true, they looked much worse and Hunter could tell that they weren't going to make it.
For the first time since he saw them they spoke.
"I-" they began flashing and revealed themself as a zorua.
A strange black orb rolled out of its fur as it died and its body disappeared.
Hunter felt drawn to the orb and touched it.
The orb began to shake and glow.
"You found the first one." Umbra said now in a physical form.
"Will I lose my powers?" Hunter asked.
"No, we will be summoned to you when you activate the eeveelution one." Umbra said.
"I have some questions, who pushed me into the river when I met thunder, who hurt the zorua?" Hunter asked.
"Those are answers for another time, I can't tell you everything or we could change the future." Umbra said.
"So then why did ou tell me who my mate would be?" Hunter asked.
"Because you wouldn't have the courage to ask her in the future if you didn't know it was destiny." Umbra said.
As Hunter walked home he noticed Umbra trotting behind him.
"So will I still die if I take this off?" Hunter said.
"Yah." Umbra said.

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