Part thirty nine

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They had done several missions since Bash came back and Inferno left and Hunter was feeling really tired which almost never happened.
So... when I take off the necklace now will I die?
*no but it gives you most of your powers.*
*there is a bigger danger that awaits you, one that could end in your whole groups demise so don't take them with you...*
Why is there always bad things! I don't want to have to be the hero!
*because it is what you where destined for, get used to it.*
Hunter snapped back into reality.
Hunter paced around.
"Fire!" A rowlet screeched.
Hunter jumped up.
Hunter ran to the smoke and saw a burning building with screams being heard from inside.
Hunter jumped in and his pelt singed.
His flareon friend granted him a power so he could walk through the flames.
Hunter walked around in the building for a while and found several Pokémon and through them out the window and on to a trampoline.
Hunter soon was done retrieving the Pokémon in the building but he saw a white Pokémon jump out a different window.
He tried to catch it but it was gone.
Hunter cringed and walked outside of the burning building.
Vaporeon grant me your powers.
Hunter felt water bubbling up in his throat and he sprayed it out on the building.
The fire on the building fizzled and died with the help of many other water types.
"So how did the fire start?" Hunter asked.
"A Pokémon tried to burn the building, no one saw it leave though."
Hunter walked away and noticed the edges of his pendant were black so he tried to wash it and nothing happened.

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