Part fifty four

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The guild was in sight and Hunter was ready to go there.
Hunter began to sprint and gain momentum.
Hunter was almost there when he saw a giant ravine blocking his path.
Hunter skidded to a stop to prevent him from falling to his death.
Since when was that there!
Hunter noticed soon that it was filled to the brim with raging completely clear water.
Hunter dipped his paw in and it stung like acid.
Hunter attempted to swim across the water filled ravine but was swept away and his fur disintegrated.
Hunter pulled himself out and groaned in frustration, he was still on the wrong side.
Hunter readied his muscles to try to leap in another effort.
Hunter leapt and found he was on the other side but his back end was in the stinging water.
Hunter pulled himself out of the water and looked at it madly before dashing away.

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