Part thirty five

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Well at least he's gone now... but he did make a good friend...
Hunter looked around, it had been a while since his last encounter with Bash and he was beginning to wonder, who was the good guy here?
Bash was trying to get rid of him, but he was stealing orbs and possibly killing bash and stuff like that.
Hunter shook the thought out of his head and sat down on a rock as the sun set.
"Hey. Come to the center of the woods." A whisper that Hunter couldn't remember the speaker said.
Hunter knew he was being dumb, but really, what's the worst that could happen? He is almost level 100 and most Pokémon couldn't defeat him.
Hunter soon got to a part in the middle of the woods where there was no trees and the moon shined bright on a rock that glistened, and there she was, Hunter's new challenge, Vice.
Bash was in the forest, waiting, watching.
Vice lunged at Hunter but Hunter swiftly dodged.
Hunter used shadow ball.
Vice tried to use flamethrower but Hunter just walked straight through it taking no visible damage.
The flames lapped greedily at hunters fur and he used iron tail on the houndoom.
Hunter used dig and it seemed to be more effective than the other moves.
Hunter fought for a long time, Bash didn't seem to be interfering.
Eventually it hit Hunter, in this battle the loser would not come out alive, Vice wasn't going to give up until either her or Hunter was dead.
Hunter dealt the final blow and immediately felt guilty.
Hunter turned towards bash and lunged.
"Now scram!"
Bash didn't move but instead watched with his gaze softening to how it looked when he was a team member.
Hunter wished to forgive him but no! This could all be a trick!
Hunter could see bash stare into his unforgiving gaze and flinch.
"Shut up!"
Bash gazed at the ground and dropped something at hunters feet, it was a orb.
Hunter decided to press it and bash devolved.
Now hunter could see the kind friendly gaze from his friend staring back at him.
Bash ran into the charred forest and Hunter watched until he was no longer in sight.
Hunter decided that was when he wanted to evolve.
Hunter began to glow but suddenly it stopped.
*sorry not time yet!*

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