Part fifty

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Hunter woke up and felt that none of his injuries hurt anymore.
Well that's strange... how long was I out?
Hunter got up and his stomach complained.
Hunter clenched his stomach and looked for food.
Hunter saw a Leavanny playing with some young Pokémon, younger than him.
Hunter walked behind the Leavanny and the pichu gave a squeak of excitement.
The pichu began waving rapidly.
The leavanny turned around and grinned at Hunter.
"So your finally awake." The leavanny said.
"Yah." Hunter said.
"So... do you know why you healed?" Leavanny said.
"I have no clue... it's never happened, didn't I die?" Hunter asked.
"Ho-oh resurrected you." The leavanny responded.
"Maybe it's because of that." Hunter said.
"No. You weren't healed when I brought you here." The leavanny said.
Or maybe i didn't lose my powers when the pendant broke...
Hunter began leaving the house, to resume his journey home.
"You don't get to leave yet, your still almost starved to death." Leavanny said.
A few hours later.
Lunch was ready and Hunter ate it in roughly .000001 seconds.
Hunter began walking outside.
Leavanny didn't seem to notice.
Hunter hated relying on anyone else and he seemed to be much weaker and lost his touch with nature.
Maybe it's good they left me, I only wanted to get back to keep them safe, I like nature better than the guild, less boring.
Hunter set up a deadfall trap near a mouse hole.
Hunter set up a snare near a rabbit hole.
Hunter set up fishing lines and nets in the river.
Hunter saw a boar and jumped into a tree.
Hunter jumped down and used swift all angles around the boar, leaving the stars imbedded in the dirt to stab the boar if it tried to run.
Hunter used his teeth on the boars neck and held down until it fell to the ground.
Hunter didn't have any shelter and predators would be attracted by the remaining food so he ate his fill and cleaned off in the river, he put the boar near a game trail.
Keeps them fed so they won't eat me.
Hunter found a small hollowed out tree that would provide shelter, it was uncomfortable but it would keep away the upcoming rain.
Light night crashed to the ground leaving a blinding light.
That was a little too close...
Hunter curled up tightly and tried to fall asleep despite the pouring rain and thunder.

Hunter looked around to see that he was in a dream realm, eclipse's again.
Why is it always hers? Do we have a connection?
This time eclipse did not seem to be having a nightmare, she wasn't even asleep.
Hunter could see through her eyes, she was staring at the roof and laying in her bed.
Eclipse fell asleep, Hunter could tell by the dark tint to her vision.
"Hi hunter!"
"Hi. I didn't get to say what I wanted to last time." Hunter said.
"I asked you when I was awake and you said a lame joke."
"Darnitdarnitdarnit!" Hunter yelled.
Hunter could see that eclipse was being shook awake by the imposter that was posing as Hunter.
"Don't listen to what I said in your dream." Fake hunter said.
"Ok." Eclipse said.
Hunter was sent out of the dream world and into a normal dream.
He slammed his fists to the ground in frustration, immediately regretting it when pain jutted through them.
There was a blinding light.

Hunter woke up and tried to look around but he was still in the crammed tree stump.
Hunter slipped out of the stump and his paw landed in a very deep puddle that was only not leaking into the stump because Hunter's body blocked it.
Hunter looked around, the forest looked like a lake with trees sticking up.
It's a flood, darn! How am I going to get back in this!
Hunter was fine with staying another night but with his dreams he suspected fake hunter had evil intentions.
Hunter set up barriers of sticks around the area, all except the river.
Days later.
The flood water was gone and Hunter had succeeded in his plan, the fish were trapped and hunter picked some up and put them in a pool of water he had made.
Food with no effort!
The fish swam in the small pool.
Hunter grabbed the biggest one and dug his teeth into it, instantly killing it.
Hunter ate most of it before putting the rest in the pond to be eaten by the other fish, hunter entered his fairly new home and grinned, he made it so fast yet so good, it even had a fish pond.
Hunter lied down on a soft mossy rock and fell asleep in the warm sun.
Why do I ever need to go to the guild again...?

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