Part twenty

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They were back at camp and Hunter was feeling ill which was rather odd for his tough immune system. Hunter felt like laying down so he went in his bed and got ready to sleep... but he never finished, hunter passed out onto his bed.

"Where am I?" Hunter said but it had a dreamlike sound to it.
*I've recovered your body so now you'll be going back to it.* mew stated.
"What will happen to my newer body?"
*it will disappear.*
"But I need to do something."
*you think I care! Ha! Back to your old body!*

It felt as if Hunter was being ripped in half and he or she screamed in pain.

Hunter woke up on a hospital bed.
"Lily! We're so glad your alive!" Two eeveelutions that must've been hunter's original bodies parents shouted.
Hunter now female and named lily felt like objecting but it was true.
Lily/hunter walked out of the hospital and wondered how her friends were doing now that she just disappeared.
Lily walked around for a while before being stopped by her parents.
"Lily! Where are you going!"
"For your information I am not Lily anymore! My name is hunter! I don't even know who you are!"
"Uh lily stop joking, hunter is a boy name."
"I was lily, but then I died and lost all of my memories and became a male Eevee named hunter, but mew resurrected my body and forced me to go here, but if I leave this body it will disappear, my friends are gonna wonder where I am!"
Lily was racking her brain on how she could get back to he old body.
Lily paced around for a while before regaining her old memories and regretting lashing out a her parents who had helped her till the day she died, or almost died.
Lily remembered something, Jirachi...
Lily decided she would try to find Jirachi at mount moonview.
Lily walked for hours before finding Jirachi.
"I want to be back in my body as Hunter." Lily pleaded.
"Ok." Jirachi said with a yawn.
"Stop! Don't let her!" Mew yelled.
"Too late she already wished." Jirachi said and before you could say pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Lily could feel the same gut wrenching pain before she passed out.

*hello.* a voice... not quite mews said.
"Who are you?"
*im Jirachi, I'm here to lead you to you body as hunter... so you won't get lost and die.*
*yah traveling between bodies is dangerous... if you stay here for too long you'll die... that too long means about 2 minutes.*
"Well then I guess we should run?"
*yah your going to be permanently dead in roughly ten seconds. The doorway is over there... bye!*
Hunter/lily panicked and began running as fast as she could.
She jumped through the doorway and felt the same pain...

Hunter gasped as he appeared in the middle of the forest.
Hunter walked around... this body must be smaller...
Hunter looked at his tail and with a sigh of relief saw it was spikey.
Hunter wandered for two months in the forest... slowly starving from trying to find his way out.
When it seemed like there was no hope and hunter collapsed to the ground and passed out.
When hunter woke up he was in a house just outside of the forest and he could smell food.
Hunter walked out before noticing he had no memories of either of his lives... only his current name.
Hunter saw two eeveelutions... different ones that weren't Lily's parents.
"Um... hello... how did I get here..." hunter asked.
"Oh... you passed out from starvation while trying to get out of the woods and we brought you over here so we could wake you up and get you a meal."
"Oh... thank you." Hunter replied.
They layer out a bowl of soup.
Hunter ate the soup until a pain formed in his stomach... but this was a good pain...
Hunter asked if he could stay the night and the eeveelutions allowed it.
Hunter felt drawn to a photo he saw of the two eeveelutions with a egg.
"You have a child? Where are they?" Hunter asked.
"Someone took them."
"Oh... who..."
"I'm not allowed to say or he will... kill me..."
"Oh... sorry about that... I was adopted and my adoptive parents died."
"Oh sorry what happened to your biological parents."
"I don't know..."
Hunter fell asleep and woke up... he ate breakfast... he felt comfortable at this house but he knew his friends might be worried so he decided he would leave.
Hunter walked for several hours but eventually the guild was in sight.
Hunter ran and got there.
Hunter greeted his friends.
"Hi did you miss me!"
"Huh? You were gone?" They all asked stupidly.
"Gee I was gone for more than two months."
Hunter decided he would lead the group on their first mission with their leader in two months... well at least he thought he was the leader... he didn't really remember too much... only a little like the names and his relationships.
Hunter picked up a job off of the request board it read, help! I'm surrounded!
They began their walk to the job location.

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