Part fifty one

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Hunter looked around.
Hunter was in the dream realm of eclipse.
Why do I keep coming here if I never get to tell her! I just want a normal dream for once!
Hunter saw something that disturbed him, someone was looming over eclipse's sleeping body with a knife.
I have to find eclipse!
Hunter ran and found eclipse quickly.
"Wake up! Wake up!" Hunter flung a fire ball at her.
She was knocked to the ground but didn't wake up.
Hunter continued attacking as the knife rushed closer to her real body.
Hunter launched another attack and she disappeared.
Hunter's vision was fading but he could see her punching fake hunter in the face and grabbing the knife.
Hunter was soon in a dream, a real dream for once, one that meant nothing, he was running in a field with another Eevee, a gray one.
Hunter played with this strange Eevee for a while before his dream switched to a nightmare.
Something was chasing them, the field was gray and spongy under their feet and roots were everywhere waiting to be tripped on,
Hunter tripped on a root and it grabbed him, the Eevee jumped and attacked it but it was un defeat able.
The shiny Eevee lay slaughtered on the ground.
Hunter didn't stop for a moment, he kept running.

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