Part fifteen

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Each team had their own room and they woke up in theirs, it was nice and neat because it had only been used for one day.
Hunter looked around for a while because he only knew where the bed was and he needed to memorize the locations of everything in his room.
Thunder, bash, and eclipse all left without Hunter and he gave a small annoyed grunt as they left.
The three that left all went to go eat breakfast.
By the time Hunter got to the mess hall there was nothing good left to eat so he ate some of the worst flavor of cereal and walked over to the request board without complaining.
It's strange how in zoroark guild you have to go to school...
Hunter's small group seemed sorta mad.
"What took you so long!"
"I was eating and getting to know the room."
"Fine let's hurry, all the good adventures are already being done so we might as well be the first ones done."
The group grabbed a task that seemed ok, find a famous locket.
Ok... can't be too bad. Hunter thought without seeing the location, the five star rating, and the fact they were looking on the wrong request board.
The group of novices unknowingly walked into their soon to be doom.
They walked for a while and soon got to the dungeon.
It wasn't long before they encountered one of the very high leveled wild Pokémon in this dungeon.
Hunter was the only one who stood a chance, being about the same level.

Ok hello sorry for the short chapter after so much time but... here is some info in case your confused.
Thunder: level 18
Bash: level ???
Eclipse: level 24
Hunter: level 63
So... yah a big difference and a very strong dungeon.

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