Part thirty two

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Maybe I should try to find the orbs in order so I won't miss one... Hunter thought.
"Bye guys!" Hunter yelled.
Hunter began walking to find the water orb.
Hunter closed his eyes and began walking aimlessly, this didn't seem to be working because he kept running into trees.
Hunter opened his eyes and began searching for a water type Pokémon.
Hunter soon found a primerina.
"Hello, do you know where I can find a blue orb about this big?" Hunter asked causally modeling the size.
"Oh. You mean the orb in the center of the gym, Pokémon have been trying to steal it nonstop so Pokémon can't go to see it anymore." The Pokémon said.
"Fine." Hunter said.
Hunter sat on a rock and waited for darkness to cover the earth.
Hunter walked to the gym silently and dodged all the obstacles and did all the courses to get to the treasure he desired.
Hunter saw the orb glowing majesty in a pedestal and poked it, hunter was confused at first when nothing happened.
Hmm... the other orbs didn't glow... this ones a fake!
Hunter decided they must have had some proof to start worshiping this orb so he went to the security footage and watched until he saw the real orb.
He saw someone taking it, he saw it was a oshawatt.
Hunter went to the area the oshawatt left from and followed some faded tracks.
Hunter eventually got to the oshawatt.
"Give back that orb thief!" Hunter yelled.
"I'm not a thief, they stole it from me, I will battle you for it though." The oshawatt responded.
*dont trust him, secure the perimeter and make sure he can't leave.*
Hunter began making sure the Pokémon couldn't escape.
"Ok, I'll fight you." Hunter said.
"It's on!"
Hunter and the oshawatt fought, hunter didn't use his power because he didn't want to give the Pokémon any reason to say he cheated.
Hunter soon beat the Pokémon and the Pokémon got ready to flee but saw no escape route.
"Ok fine take it!" The oshawatt through the orb to the ground and it began shattering but hunter shoved his paw on it, causing him to bleed.
When aqua formed she had cuts all over her that looked like cracks.
Hunter cringed, would it have been worse if the orb fully shattered?
Hunter looked for the fire orb for days on end but couldn't find, after all this time hunter decided he would go on to look for the next orb.
Hunter found all of the other orbs in a matter of days and now the only one he hadn't found was the fire orb.
Hunter walked back to the guild and frowned.
Hunter noticed a cruel smirk on Bash's face.
Hunter's pendant glowed with his anger.
*do it, attack!* the only voice left in Hunter's head said.
Hunter leapt and Bash began glowing in evolution.
Hunter and Bash dueled and no one seemed to be winning for a couple of hours.
Hunter took a swipe at bash and he flickered and faded away leaving the orb.
Hunter pressed his paw against it with a shiver.
Are children really willing to be that cruel?
Hunter saw all of the eeveelutions forming a circle around him.
They did something.
"Where's bash..." Eclipse asked.
"He was evil!" Hunter said.
"Huh... I did think my friend was named... but he said..."
"Wait... did you have a friend that wasn't bash?" Hunter asked.
"Yes, I thought I just misheard bash when he first said his name was Burn..." eclipse said.
"Maybe we should ask Burn if he wants to be in our team?" Eclipse suggested.
"But it will never be the same." Hunter said, frustrated with the fact that one of his teammates turned out to be evil.
They walked to bash's house and Burn answered the door.
"Hello! It's been so long! Why did you stop playing with me eclipse?" Burn asked.
"Bash tricked me he was you, and I only figured out because he was evil." Eclipse said with bitterness in the name Bash.
"Ok. You can come in." Burn invited them in.
"We wanted to ask you a question, do you want to join our team in bash's place?" Hunter asked.
"Sorry I can't. My dad is sick and needs help." Burn said with a frown.
"It's ok." Hunter said.
They began walking away.
"What are we going to do now! The minimum amount of members for an explorer team is four and if we don't have that we won't be a team!"
"Does anyone realize that we never told Thunder any of this?" Eclipse said.
"Yah! What's happening!" Thunder burst out of a bush.
Neither of them responded.
The three Pokémon were looking for a new partner that they would get along with for months in secret while pretending that bash was still there.
They walked up to a pokemon.
"Hi!" The pokemon said as they walked by.
"Hi, would you like to join our team?"
"Yes! No one would let me join because they say that I'm too weak..." the growlthie said.
"What's your name?"

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