Part sixty seven

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They could see a faint yellow glow coming from inside the cave.
"Lightning! Zap!" Zip yelled.
"Oh hi zip... we're almost done here... how did you get here so quickly (from the house?)"
"I somehow got a different place and this Eevee helped me back to you guys."
"Oh thanks for helping my brother." Zap said.
"I should of payed more attention to him..."
"Bye hunter!" Zip yelled.
"Oh here... these stones are common in this cave and since you haven't evolved yet you might want one... if not you can sell it or give it to someone..."
Lightning placed a thunderstone in hunters paws.
"Thanks!" Hunter said and began the long walk back to the guild.
"We're going to go try to start our 'guild' as you call it." Petal said while the others left with her.

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