Part thirty six

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Hunter walked back to the guild for some sleep.
So many things, should he forgive his old friend, or could it all be a trick, his friend hadn't given an apology but he didn't let him.
Hunter collapsed on his bed and fell asleep.
It felt as if hunter was woken up only a minute later and he got up.
It was bright and sunny outside and Hunter wondered how his old house in the forest was holding up.
Hunter decided it was worth the walk and he went over to the house and walked in, he was immediately attack by some Pokémon who didn't seem to want to welcome him.
"Intruder! Get out!" A litten screeched.
"I built this house and never sold it, I just came to see how it was holding up!" Hunter said ready to leave when he saw a familiar face.
Hunter ignored it and turned away.
He was a good friend... Can that really be faked?

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