Part sixty

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Hunter watched in a battle ready stance a few feet away as Bash and Thunder struggled to their feet.
Umm... so... whose team am I in now?
Really Hunter wanted to go back to the guild, in a nice bed, the way he was used to but he couldn't leave this team with only two Pokémon if they would face danger in the future, he brought this upon them in the first place.
They walked back to the place Hunter had been staying for a while and hunter immediately decided to check on the espur, the espur was with another espur, this time a female shiny.
"Hello." Hunter was confused, how was the espur talking?
Hunter decided it must be speaking telepathically.
Hunter brought the espurs to the place he had been staying and showed them to his newer teammates, they evolve on the spot.
"New teammates? But what about you?"
"I'm leaving, I am the leader of a team with my friends here."
"The ones you were fighting?"
Hunter began the walk to the guild.
"I would like to remake my team."
"Ok just let me get the files..." the flareon said.
Thunder looked at Hunter.
Once the team was done being remade the four went into their room and Hunter fell down onto the soft bed.
"Umm... so I've been meaning to ask, how did I get out of Black Forest?" Thunder asked.
"I was meaning to ask the same thing to." Bash said.
"Eclipse, I think you should explain it since you were there too." Hunter stated.
Eclipse began explaining.
"So when we were battling the monster in Black Forest it was like a smaller clone of the monster we recently battled, it used a move on us to take our souls out of our bodies and drag our bodies through the spirit realm and to the mountain where it's leader could possess us, you two were possessed successfully but I wasn't because it must've been a psychic type move to possess us, the beast doesn't have a type but some of its moves still do, I pretended to be possessed to and the monster wasn't very smart so it assumed I was, I waited and sent several messages for help but only one connected with someone and not for very long, I assume it was you or one of your teammates since you came, when you defeated the beast bash and thunder snapped out of it, thunder was knocked out and already would have been when he woke up."
"Wow long story." Thunder said.
"Use proper grammar."
"Argh! Fine!"

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