Part thirty four

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"I'm glad we got inferno to join our team, I was beginning to think we wouldn't find someone." Hunter said.
Inferno caught up to them.
"We can go to a dungeon, the more you go the stronger you'll get!" Hunter said sounding not grumpy when around this growlthie.
They walked into a dungeon.
After several incidents of hunter having to defend Inferno in battle the small growlthie seemed to be getting the hang of it.
After a while in the dungeon they still couldn't find the missing Pokémon, they searched for hours on the floor stated but couldn't find any signs of life.
They were just about to give up when inferno announced.
"There's someone there!"
They all ran over but the Pokémon was gone.
A Pokémon jumped down from the roof and landed on inferno.
"Bash! Can't you get over us!" Hunter said.
"No! It's my mission to stop you! I pushed you in the river to drown you! I mauled your little zorua friend! I am the cause of all your suffering! Can't you just die already!" Bash growled.
"No! Why do you even want to kill me!" Hunter yelled and slashed Bash's neck.
Bash was just about to lose when he mega evolved and pinned hunter and knocked out his team.
"Any last words." Bash said with a frown and flinched at some invisible pain.
"For a spy you don't know very much, do you?!" Hunter started to glow and eeveelutions appeared around him.
Hunter dealt one last blow that sent Bash flying to most likely is doom.
Hunter gasped and picked up all of his friends that weren't the eeveelutions he summoned who had teleported away.
Hunter carried his friends to the exit and went to sleep in the guild.

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