Part thirty eight

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Bash began telling what was going to be a life story.
"I was hatched in a burning forest with my mother, my father, and my brother. My dad seemed to like my brother best and my mom would treat me nicely, I tried to make friends with others but they would always die and it left me hurt and lonely, no one would be my friend... and one day there was an Absol, one that my brother was friends with and mom told me to follow that Absol and become her friend so I did, it seemed forced at first but I really grew to be friends with her, one day mom told me that there was a evil Eevee that's goal was to make Pokémon suffer and told me to push him into the river, and then I saw you outside the pancake shop and didn't realize it was you, I had the orb as a gift from my mother and she told me to keep it safe and never show it to anyone, mom said the zorua was evil and ready to end the world by giving its orb to a unwilling Pokémon so I attacked it, when you attack me I fought back, and my mom has been telling me to do these things to change the future and make it a better place but none of them seem to have any effect and they just make me evil, now that my mother is dead she can't threaten or manipulate me anymore... if you would... you are missing a teammate..."
"No." Eclipse said.
Hunter stared at eclipse.
"Fine but out one paw out of order and you will be just like your mom." Hunter said.
Thunder looked overjoyed and so did Bash.
The small houndour ran around in repetitive circles happy to be back.

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