Part forty one

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Hunter woke up in a puddle of blood on the bathroom floor with one thought in his head.
Go to the black castle.
*dont bring your friends, this is your mission and they shouldn't die because of it, those dark crystals are going to keep regrowing until you stop it, you will bleed to death or be possessed by them, your power won't work if you wait to l-*
Hunter pulled a map off the wall and saw no black castle on it.
Hunter saw a large black round dot on the world map.
That is huge! Maybe I should check that out.
Hunter started walking north on a mission that would last for days and tire him.
Days later.
Hunter had gotten to an ocean and felt tempted to drink its salt water.
Hunter wondered how he would cross the ocean.
Hunter build a quick raft and wondered if it would float.
Hunter sat on it and pushed it into the water and paddled for days on end.
Hunter saw a shore, he was half drowned, half starved, and dying of thirst.
Hunter saw a rabbit on the shore and used all of his energy to make one giant leap at it.
Hunter fell flat on his face and the rabbit sprinted away.
Hunter groaned and passed out.
Hunter couldn't see anything but he got up.
I'm surprised my vision was the first to go...
Hunter felt his was around and found a hut, he heard someone coming and jumped in a bush.
They pulled him out and examined him.
Hunter shivered.
"Fine, come in, we have food."
Hunter padded in uncomfortably and a bowl of soup was placed in front of him.
Hunter ate the whole bowl despite the pain it caused in his gut.
Hunter could feel the strength ebbing back to him.
Hunter's vision returned and he looked around, he saw a shiny zangoose.
Hunter walked out of the house and waved goodbye and was back on his way.

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