Part fourty four

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Hunter and his group had been traveling for a while and the sun was starting to set and their muscles ached more than the day before despite having slept.
Hunter was however the most tired, the most hungry and the most grumpy.
"Let's stop for a rest." Thunder said.
The group quickly set up beds and fell asleep, all except Hunter.
Hunter lie in bed, awake despite his body trying to shut him down, he had a pulsing headache from his insomnia and his muscles cried for rest but something didn't feel right.
The stars twinkled above Hunter all seeming to be struggling to shine the brightest.
Hunter heard a rustle in a bush and sprang up and swiveled around clumsily, his leg was bleeding, his muscles and bones ached, and he hadn't slept in days.
"Who's there!" Hunter yelled and his friends remained asleep.
A male Eevee, the same size as Hunter stepped out.
The Eevee looked just as tired and starved as Hunter which wasn't good because Hunter usually ate less than the others because a certain shinx always ended up complaining about hunger.
"Who are you!" The Eevee yelled.
"Who are you!"
"I don't have a name..." the Eevee said.
"Well my name is hunter." Hunter said.
"Then mine will be too." The Eevee said with a menacing grin.
The Eevee leapt at Hunter and was much less tired and aching and injured because it beat him after some struggle, this must've been a strong Eevee, probably the same level as Hunter.
Hunter groaned one last groan before passing out.
When Hunter woke up his friends were gone and so was the Eevee.
They left without me!
Hunter looked around for any traces of what way they went but they had all been covered.
Hunter decided to get food and water and shelter, the three main things in life.
Hunter searched for the hut and found the clearing it was in but the hut was gone.
Hunter saw a cave.
Hunter rushed in.
Hunter found food and water and brought them back to his camp.
They'll notice it's not me soon, it doesn't have a penda-
Hunter growled in frustration, it was useless, they were going to live thinking that Eevee was Hunter for a long time.
Hunter fell asleep.
It was morning when Hunter woke up and he decided to follow the wind since he had crossed an ocean before.
Hunter walked for miles and the wind got stronger.
Hunter was exhausted and the wind was blowing hard.
Hunter saw water and began to run.
Hunter saw a raft and jumped to it, soon to notice he was falling.
He looked up, he must've been on a cliff.
As the raft got closer his doom seemed more and more likely.
Hunter landed with a sickening crack.
Pain bolted through his legs.
Hunter tried to stand up to move his legs from this odd position but more pain came and he was soon overwhelmed and passed out.

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