Part fifty nine

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I'm not dying just yet! Hunter thought as he slammed his paw down on the black vine, it rapidly withered and died, a strange light was coming from Hunter's paw for a while before dying down.
Hunter rolled to the side and started panting while Azban and Loko did the work, failing to damage Thunder or Bash or the beast.
Hunter got up.
Thunder swiped his paw at Hunter with claws extended, Hunter dodged.
"Hah! Missed me!" Hunter yelled.
Pain jolted through Hunter and he watched as a giant cut formed across him.
But it didn't hit me, how?
'Dodge! Swipe! Dodge! Shadow ball!' A voice known by Hunter as Ruby's yelled.
Hunter hesitated but did that and managed to dodge an incoming hit.
'I can heal your wound since it was inflicted with psychic powers but don't expect me to heal all of your wounds.'
Hunter saw his wound healing and he noticed his body was not under his control anymore, someone else was there.
Who are you?
'Relax, I'm here to help you, I'm Slan, one of the special Eeveelutions, you could evolve into this but we tend to not show our faces among the 'real' eeveelutions, I'll just be battling for you for a while well ruby and the others talk to you.'
Hunter felt himself leave his body and soon he was in a vast field full of fruit trees with branched weighed down by fruit and trees filled with wonderful blossoms.
'Hello, I see you arrived.' A soareon said waving her tail.
'It seems geoneon finally got his job done right!' Boldeon said with a scoff.
'We wanted to warn you, in the future you will face greater dangers than this, dangers we cannot help you with, and dangers that one hero alone could not stop, you will be an ally and a hero.'
Hundreds of images flashed through Hunter's mind.
'Those are your future, we have already shown you to much.'
Hunter felt his souls being carried away and could soon see that he was back in his body fighting, but he was in control again.
Hunter pinned down Bash, only to be flung to the side by Thunder.
Hunter slashed his iron tail across both of them leaving a giant gash.
Hunter looked at Eclipse, Loko, and Azban and nodded showing them his tail which was currently turned into iron.
Eclipse pushed her horn against Hunter's tail causing sparks to fly off for a while before it stilled.
Loko and Azban jumped on top of Hunter tail and Eclipse's horn.
Hunter flung his tail to the side and Eclipse did the same with her horn.
Loko and Azban were sent flying through the air and Loko turned into a Riolu and they both used high jump kick, the strongest move learned by Riolu.
Hunter jumped up and used iron tail, his tail was singed from the acid that came off of the beast but then again so was everyone else.
Eclipse used slash and then hyper beam.
Hunter was covered in a white light and used giga impact somehow.
Hunter hit but skidded to the ground.
Thunder took the chance and began attacking Hunter, Hunter flinched and struggled to get up but was just batted down again by Thunder.
Eclipse was busy battling, Loko was busy helping Azban, and Azban was getting hit by the monster.
There was no help for Hunter, he would have to get through this again, he could not let this battle prove his weakness.
Hunter let the attacks hit him as he looked for an opening to attack.
But one never came.
Hunter summoned his strength and kicked up.
Hunter leapt onto Thunder and looked around, bash was busy battling eclipse.
Hunter let out an evil grin and him jaws slowly clamped down on Thunder's throat.
Thunder breath stopped and Hunter dropped him, his throat was bleeding.
Hunter brought his paw down on Thunder's chest causing blood to spatter out of his mouth.
"Hunter! You've killed him!" Eclipse screamed.
"Um... no he's not dead, he's just on the brink of death, I needed him out of our way so we could finish this fight."
"No!!!" Someone yelled.
Thunders body twitched but Hunter ran over to the source of the scream, it was from Loko.
Everyone looked injured but Azban the most that hunter could see... azban was on the ground... dead?
Raspy breaths came from Azban, the only sign he was alive, but they had to keep battling, this couldn't go to waste.
Hunter turned around and saw that Eclipse had been thrown to the floor by the beast that they were battling.
Hunter sprinted at top speed to the beast and used shadow ball.
"Umm just for a question, what type is this thing?" Hunter asked.
"It has no type and every type, it is weak against nothing and strong against everything."
"Mmm... fudge..."
Hunter turned around to see the source of the voice, it was Thunder sleeping.
He must be getting better?
Hunter turned back to his battle.
If there's gonna be harder battles in the future I am so dead.
Hunter followed this voice in his head and dodged an attack.
'Run, find entei and the others! They are the only way, you are not strong enough!'
Hunter ran, but to where, where was entei?
Hunter's body was took over again, by Omneon this time, Hunter began floating very quickly.
Hunter saw entei in the distance after an hour or two.
"Why have you came to us?" Entei asked.
"We need your help defeating a great evil, we have been battling it for hours but it has not died yet."
"Ok, we accept, we lost our memories long ago but I believe we may have been eeveelutions once so we will help you."
"Ok follow me!"
Hunter floated very quickly back to the location of the battle, this time he was in complete control but still possessed.
Hunter landed, his group looked exhausted.
"We're did you g-" Eclipse's eyes widened as she saw the three legendaries behind him.
The legendaries had some trouble but Hunter and his group helped and at long last the great evil was finally defeated.

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