Part sixty one

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It was peaceful now that the main threat was gone and Hunter and his friends decided to enjoy that peace.
Eclipse decided to spend her free time training while bash spent it learning how to cook and thunder spent it designing and sewing outfits and costumes, hunter decided to start a garden and they resumed their work at the guild.
Hunter yawned.
"I'm soooooooooooooo bored."
Hunter fell asleep, memories played themselves like movies in his head.
One very old one intrigued him, the one about the lucario who had trained him, he couldn't remember it's name though.
I hope it's still alive...
Hunter paced back and forth.
Hmm... I should ask Azban who his parents are...
Yah... I'm bored so I'm gonna do that.
Hunter began his walk to where Azban and Loko lived.
Aurgh! This is going to take soooooooooooooo looooooooooooooong.
Hunter walked for a few minutes.
Something fell into a bush that was roughly 28 feet away from hunter.
Hmm... maybe I should check that out...
Hunter walked over to the bush that was now quivering from the impact.
Hunter pulled back the leaves.
Oh darn it! There's a 'Pokémon' in here... well I don't exactly know what it is...
Hunter pulled the Pokémon out of the bush.
Oh this is one of those weird Pokémon from a almost barren unknown region... I'll ask it what it's called if it wakes up.
Hunter checked for a pulse on the Pokémon, luckily there was a pulse.
Hours later.
Oh good it's awake.
"Are you ok?" Hunter asked.
"Do you think I'm ok?!?"
Now that's my kind of Pokémon. Hunter thought.

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