Part twenty three

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Hunter had done a couple of quests and was still bored... he was waiting for what he was going to do in the future to help stop the bitter cold.
Hunter walked around the village and saw a flyer for a battle tournament.
I'm a decent level... I should join. Hunter thought.
Hunter walked to the location of the battle area and saw a huge field that it was going to take place in in a couple of hours.
Hunter signed a fake name on the sign up sheet and got in a fighting costume he had sewn in his free time.
Hunter sat down and waited... this area was deserted and no one was here yet.
Hunter had to wait for hours but he got some sleep in while he was at it, he also bought some food once the food stands came in.
Eventually contestants came in and hunter was annoyed when he figured out this wasn't only for battle... it was like the olympics, it had several challenges and each round one person would be eliminated until there was two people left who would fight and then the winner would battle the past champion.

Challenge one: art

Hunter didn't get art but he was good at it.
Hunter sculpted a sculpture of glacier palace, not knowing that it was a place no one knew about...
The competition each made their own wonderful piece of art and hunter knew the competition was pretty good.
A leafeon with a sculpture was eliminated because her sculpture collapsed when the judge touched it.

Challenge two: balance

The next challenge also seemed lame... it was basically you tried to walk on a balance beam as long as possible while pokemon hurtled balls at you, the first one to fall off loses.
Hunter had good balance but was about to fall off... but a Roggenrola did first.

Challenge three: flexibility

In this challenge they would make you do different poses until one person couldn't do one.
The first pose was standing, everyone did that one.
The second pose was touching your toes, a oddish who didn't have arms was the first to give up.

Challenge four: speed

This challenge was multiple parted and in the first part you would race, in the second you would try to dodge blows from the audience.
After both challenges a Riolu and a paras where out of the competition.

Challenge five: battle

This was the challenge to determine the final three... they would all fight and the last two standing would go on.
The first Pokémon was a very strong chamander.
The second was a ditto.
The third was of coarse hunter.
The ditto transformed into a chamander... rendering hunter weak since he was still a normal type.
The battle went on for hours... no one wanting to lose now.
Hunter felt like he barely had a ounce of strength left.
The moon was rising.
Please moon! Lend me your power! Hunter thought as he struggled to keep himself standing.
Hunter began to glow and looked around... he was a umbreon.
That's not what I meant... but ok...
Hunter could feel energy and strength coursing through his veins.
I'll show them! I'll show them all! Hunter though as he de evolved with pure will.
Hunter's necklace began glowing a blazing orange.
Hunter let the power join with him.
Hunter felt stronger and used it to beat the ditto down.
A eevee's to weak for you Huh! Hunter thought as he pounded it to the ground rendering it unable to battle.

Challenge six: another battle

This was the battle that determined who would get the chance to be the next battle master.
Hunter was not going to give up now.
Hunter fired a shadow ball at the charmander but it got up.
Hunter fought hard but the charmander fought harder and soon pinned him down, hunter tried to get up but failed.
But I'm so close!
Hunter's necklaces began flashing blue and then red over and over again.
Water enveloped hunter and he used hydro pump.
The charmander kept fighting but looked ready to faint.
Hunter kept using this newfound water type move until the opponent fainted.

Challenge seven: final match

Four Pokémon entered the stadium... all former champions, hunters goal, to beat them all and gain the new title.
Hunter punched the first one in the face, they clearly hadn't expected that because they fell over to the ground.
Hunter began pounding on them until they lay fainted in a crater in the ground.
The other champions were fighting each other and didn't notice this.
Hunter got ready and kicked the back of one of the champions heads, causing them to misfire and pass out.
The misfire confused the other champion that was being aimed at and Hunter took this chance to attack.
Hunter fought the other champions that were teaming... he didn't want to lose... he couldn't... at this point it wasn't even a option...
Hunter used their teaming against them by causing misfires.
Soon there was only one champion left for him to defeat, this was the only thing between Hunter and being a champion.
Hunter glared.
Hunter's chain flashed rainbow and his whole body felt as if it was melting... worse than switching bodies.
Hunter could see the figures of eeveelutions forming around him.
Hunter and them formed a powerful beam and aimed it at the Pokémon.
With no time to dodge they were forced to take the hit and fainted.
Hunter soon after collapsed.
Hunter woke up in the hospital.
Hunter broke off of the iv and stuff and left.
He went back to the arena and saw a trophy with his name on it.
Yes! I won!
Hunter picked up the trophy and went back to the guild where he put it on his empty display cabinet.
Now that looks right! I only have to get a lot more trophies.
Thunder walked in.
"What did YOU get a trophy for."
"I won a battling thing."
"Oh is that why you were passed out on the news."
"Probably... so you didn't see... it... heh... heh..."
Hunter passed out on his bed.

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