Part thirty one

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Hunter was back at the guild after a long time and none of his friends had noticed his absence, this annoyed him because this was the second time this had happened but he didn't say anything.
"Who's dat!" Thunder yelled and pointed at umbra.
"Her name is umbra." Hunter replied.
Hunter thought for a while.
Maybe I should try to get the other orbs.
Hunter decided he would try and he left no stone unturned, soon he found another wounded Pokémon who just murmured something that Hunter could barely make out.
"If I don't get rid of it... the dark force..." the electrike held out a shaky arm and tossed a yellow orb.
Hunter grinned at the fact he had found the next one so fast and he poked it and a jolteon began forming infront of him.
"Hello Jolt!" Hunter greeted the male jolteon with a smile.

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