Part three

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They walked for roughly a hour before getting to the city and when they got there Hunter was amazed by all the bright lights and lovely sights, though something felt vaguely familiar.
"Wow!" Hunter exclaimed and started walking a little bit faster.
"Whoa slow down! I need to tell you the ground rules before we go in. Repeat after me." Luna said.
"Ok fine." Hunter said.
"Rule number one: never go alone." Luna said.
"Rule number one: never go alone." Hunter said.
"Rule number two: there could be danger at any corner so don't trust anyone you meet." Luna said.
"Wait what! Then why did you name me after a complete stranger!" Hunter said annoyed
"Because they aren't someone from the city. But I said repeat after me." Luna said.
"Ok rule number three: if someone is threatening someone with a gun don't play hero... it Can and most likely will get you killed." Luna said.
"Rule number three: if someone is threatening someone with a gun don't play hero... it Can and most likely will get you killed." Hunter repeated.
"Rule number four: if someone threatens you with a gun for money run... they probably will still shoot of ask for more... run if they threaten you with a gun whatsoever." Luna said.
"Rule number four: if someone threatens you with a gun for money run... they probably will still shoot of ask for more... run if they threaten you with a gun whatsoever." Hunter said.
"Ok that's basically all... stop repeating now." Luna said.
They started walking to the first store.
"This is a store with stuff that you are NEVER allowed to use... they are called drugs." Luna said firmly.
"That sounds like something that will kill you... why do they sell it?" Hunter said.
"They will kill you and I don't know." Luna partially lied.
They didn't go in that store.
They walked to the next store.
"This is a candy store you are allowed to go in here if you have money to buy candy with but I won't let you eat it unless you brush your teeth correctly." Luna said.
"Sir yes sir." Hunter joked.
"Candy tastes really good... and since it's your birthday I will let you try some." Luna said and went in.
"Which one do you want?" Luna said pointing at the candy.
"That one!" Hunter said pointing at the biggest.
"Ok fine." Luna said looking annoyed.
"How much for this?" Luna asked the guy at the counter.
"6 dollars." The guy said.
"Fine." Luna said handing over the money and looking as if she did not agree with the price.
They left the store and Luna put the candy in her bag for later.
They walked over to the next place.
"This is a library you can read books here and you don't have to pay unless you lose it or don't take it back in time." Luna said as they walked passed it.
They walked up to the next place.
"These are apartments." Luna said showing the nearby places that weren't stores.
They walked on for a while before getting to a different looking place...


Flare looked around at the store.
He grabbed the things on the list and went to the cashier ready to pay when the cashier took out a gun.
"Thief! You'll pay!" The cashier yelled.
"What! I'm not a thief! I didn't steal anything!" Flare said as he slowly handed over the money.
The cashier took the money.
"Thank you for your service." he said as he shot flare in the head.
Flare died immediately without pain luckily... unbeknownst to any of his family though.


A couple of hours had passed since the beginning of the tour and Hunter was having a great time other than his feet hurting and trying to pretend he hated it.
"Now this is the grocery store where your dad is." Luna said as they pushed open the door.
They walked for a while before deciding to check out what they had picked up.
"Ok let's go pay the cashier." Luna said.
They walked but soon they stared in horror at the dead version of flare.
"Oh they gonna pay!!!" Luna said but as she walked up the cashier pointed a gun at her head and his finger was twitching on the trigger questioning wether he should pull it or make her suffer for longer.
Hunter snuck up from behind the cashier and bit him in the back of the neck as hard as he could.
The cashier fell over but someone else stepped in with a gun and pointed it at Luna.
Hunter tossed the gun from the dead cashier to Luna and now it was just between who would shoot first.
Luna shot the gun... but not before the other Pokémon did too, in the end, the only living person there was Hunter... covered in blood and crying.
Hunter took his old dads stuff and his old moms stuff and ran out of the store crying...
People began staring at this blood soaked Eevee judging him and Hunter ran as fast as he could into the woods.
I don't want to live in the house I hatched in! My life is ruined and all on the very first day! If only I had listened to my gut!
Hunter sobbed and tears fell into his blood soaked fur like little drops of bleach.

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