Part seventy

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Hunter was dragging Thunder.
"We're already far enough away where you can't find your way back, your cut up pretty badly, can you just walk yourself." Hunter growled.
"Nope, I'd rather die." Thunder said defiantly.
"Urgh! Than I'll just leave you here." Hunter groaned dropping Thunder in a ditch.
They walked for a while before hearing screams.
"Wait! Help us!"
"Why me!" Hunter groaned.
Hunter walked over to the location of the noise, bash and eclipse right behind him, Thunder trying to pretend he didn't follow.
There was a temvee, a clovip, a shiny vaporeon, and a meowth with one blind eye by the looks of it.
"Ok, whats up?" Hunter asked.
"Oh good, someone's here, I thought we were in the middle of nowhere, my name is Villa, hers is Clara, hers is Sprite, and hers is Yellow." Villa introduced.

"So what do you need help with?" Hunter asked angrily

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"So what do you need help with?" Hunter asked angrily. 
"I can't remember anything except my name. Please believe me, i know it sounds crazy." Villa frantically responded
"I believe you... who are these Pokémon than?" Hunter responded and then questioned
"They were just here when I woke up." Villa stated
"A likely story." Hunter said
"Hmph!" Clara grunted and turned away.
"That one seems mad at me though." Villa said
"All of them do." Hunter replied.
"Yah! You didn't tell us you lost your memory! We were your Pokémon."
"Wait you forced Pokémon to battle! That's terrible! I met several Pokémon that were forced to do that!"
"No! I hadn't done that! I was just starting my journey!"
"Fine, we'll about not being in the middle of nowhere... we'll you are kinda... In the middle of nowhere, we haven't been near a town for a long time, the nearest mon made thing is the guild."
"Ok, I'll just follow you then, we're bound to get to a town eventually." Villa said.

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