Part twelve

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"Time to get up slackers!" A flareon yelled,
Hunter was pushed into the field that now had two Pokémon, a ditto and a cubone.
The ditto used transform but hunter saw this and shoved his paw inside of it so it couldn't transform.
The cubone used bone rush and hunter used shadow ball.
Hunter used tackle on the ditto who had given up and turned into cubone.
The two cubone's attacked and hunter used iron tail to knock them out.
The two Pokémon fainted.
"The winner is sadly hunter." The flareon said.
They pushed thunder into the ring next.
There was a joltik and a cutiefly.
Are they trying to insult my strength! Thunder thought as he pushed the two small Pokémon to the ground.
The cutiefly fainted bush the joltik clung to his fur and seemed to like it.
Thunder tried to shock it off but it seemed to like it.
After like five hours somehow the joltik fainted.
"Thunder is winner." The flareon said flatly.
Next eclipse was shoved in with two onix.
Eclipse tried her best to dodge their attacks but soon found out they were too big for that so she focused on trying to do as much damage in as little time as possible and that seemed to be working because the two Pokémon fainted after 1 hour.
Eclipse fell asleep on top of them.
Next bash was put in the field with two roggenrola.
Wow your really running out of ideas!
Bash tried to attack but they seemed to sense his move and dodged well also landing a attack on him.
Bash noticed that the roggerola's where sensing the vibrations from the ground so he stood very still.
The roggenrola's began aimlessly wandering.
Bash got ready to use flamethrower.
Bash used flamethrower like 150 times until the roggenrola's fainted.
The flareon left the room again.

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