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I snapped out of my shock and turned to Katsuki, to pat him lightly and wake him up.

What was with that guy?

Katsuki woke up dazily and rubbed his forehead.

He looked to me and groaned, "What the hell was that?"

"I'm sorry, you were going to get yourself in trouble." I rested my head on my desk in defeat. "It if counts for anything, I didn't let the boy go without a scolding."

"Tsk, what kind of scold?" Katsuki rolled his eyes lightly, placing his head on his desk and facing himself to look at me.

"Let's just say he'll be apologizing to you soon. And he understands he crossed lines." I gave Katsuki a light smile and reached my hand out to pat him on the arm.

But before I could slip my hand away, he caught it and rubbed it lightly.

I felt my cheeks rush with color so I stayed quiet, I could tell he was grateful I managed to maintain him.

I don't know how to feel about the feelings I get when I'm with him.

He's developed so much around me within the few months we've been attending UA.

He's still as explosive with everyone else but this is progress.

And I'm really proud of him.

We just looked at eachother as he kept my hand firmly in his.

This is the kind of feeling I've been scared I'll get.

When he looks at me like this I feel as if he's the only person in the world.

And whenever I see him next after parting, even it's only 10 minutes for training that we were separated, I get so excited when I see his blonde hair bounce to place.

Everything just seems better with him.

Katsuki POV

Looking at her like this always strikes something within me.

I've never been one to notice people the way I noticed her.

Sure I've loved, but it wasn't this, it wasn't romantic you could say.

It's a weird feeling, it pulls at your gut in a different kind of way.

I like Deku, sure I'm not the best at showing it, I like a lot of people. I just have a hard time expressing it, because if I'm being honest, I'm insecure.

But with her, it comes naturally to me.

Because she's a different kind of like, though it means she'll only be a different kind of hurt if anything were to happen.

No one has ever put up with me the way she has, I mean how she doesn't cower in fear, and how she stands up for me.

She's like a Queen if it makes sense.

She's beautiful, persuasive, has power and effect on just about everyone with her words.

I won't lose her.

I'll do anything to make sure of it.

Call me crazy but this girl has just that of a power over me, and what scares me the most about it,

Is that I like it.

So damn much.


𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙 (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader) 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now