Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of the doorbell. I rubbed my eyes and got up out of bed before grabbing my dressing gown and running downstairs. I was the only one up, so answered the door. I was half expecting to have the usual "could i please buy half a dozen eggs, love?" from one of the cute old ladies living in one of the cottages nearby, but instead there was no one. I looked around to make sure nobody was playing knock-and-run, before stepping back inside. As I went to get back indoors, I tripped over a black box. It was tied with a white ribbon and had a note attached. I took it inside, not wanting to get cold, and ran back upstairs to my bed. I was excited to find out what was inside this little box, as I usually don't get any post, and it I do it's from the Postman. I undid the bow before hearing my name shouted from the next room. I rammed the box under my bed and went downstairs to make two cups of tea for my parents. My usual morning routine.

I carefully carried the hot mugs up the stairs to my parents' bedroom, careful not to spill any on our newly carpeted stairs. I wanted to get back to my mysterious parcel, so made an excuse to avoid starting an in depth conversation.

Although the suspense was killing me, I decided to get washed and dressed before I opened my package.

It was summer, but still quite cold. i put on a pair of black shorts, a white cropped top, an oversized mustard coloured cardigan and a pair of cherry red Dr Martens. I did my makeup with winged eyeliner, and attempted to braid my short hair. I brushed my teeth, grabbed some pita bread and hummus from downstairs and excitedly went to open my box. I don't know what it is, but waiting longer for something I could use at any time make me feel so much more excited than just doing it right away. It also encourages me to get ready quicker, which is a plus.

The black box contained another box, which contained another box, etc. i was starting to think this was just a prank someone had played on me and I felt like my heart was sinking lower and lower. the fifth box felt heavier than the last, but I didn't want to get my hoped up for a rock, or something like that. i looked away while I removed the lid from the final box. I looked inside and there was a huge pile of money. I was so confused, and remembered there was a note attached. the note read "I hope you have a safe flight to Philadelphia Airport -A"

I counted the money. £5000. it was more than enough to get all the way to Rosewood, and back if i wanted to. I raced to my laptop to send a huge thank you letter to Aria!

I Am Nancy Montgomery  (Pretty Little Liars Fanfiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now