Mission 099

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It's been 7 years , I'm working as a robotic engineer in the iRobot Co . We are  one of the leading Robot making company in the entire world. Our last 98 missions of making robots with different ability was complete successful.

Our recent development of a new robot is coming to an end . Last 1 year was extremely tiresome for me and my team members. Most of the time we spent our time without any proper sleep or rest to develop this robot .

May or may not be , we will make new robots better than this , after this , but I believe this one will be the perfect and best one in the entire world. I don't think I will ever change my mind from this belief .

I don't know why but sometimes I get attached to this robot . Feels like it is a human. It's really looks like a human and not a robot . Because of the texture of it's skin like cover . We made the robot just like humans . Just like the robots in the korean dramas ,
Are you human too ? and I'm not a robot .

It will be very difficult for someone to differentiate who is the actual machine if we placed this robot in the crowded place with humans.

The new robot will , not only look like a human but also will act like us . More precisely to say , it can even develop human emotions.

A veiny hand wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to a muscular chest. I don't have to turn back to know who it is . It's my fiance , Jackson Wang . He also works here as a robotic engineer in different section .

He placed a kiss on my shoulder saying , Are you tired baby ?

I shook my head while working on the robot .

Come on . Let's go and eat something. He said while clinging to me like a kid . It's been 9 years since we started our relationship. We were high school sweethearts. He was a bad boy back then in our school while I was a nerd . Just like in stories , we both fell in love with each other and started our relationship.

There was times we both had difficulties in our relationship but we overcome all of them and now we are going to be in a new relationship . Marriage. Which we both dreamt of .

Only this , last and final touch up is remaining for us to finish the new robot

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Only this , last and final touch up is remaining for us to finish the new robot . I pick it's facial cover and put it on the face. Finally it's completed . Now it's look like a human.

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