Dayo woke up slowly and reached out, expecting to feel Eniola's warm flesh, but the sheets beside him were cold and empty. He groaned and rolled over as the memories of the entire day's events rushed back.
His mood had turned sour the moment he'd seen Eniola with that guy. Who was he anyway? Her ex? Or an old friend like she said?
Or maybe he was letting his jealousy get the best of him? With another groan, he glanced at the empty space beside him before picking up his phone from the nightstand.
He dialed her number and waited while it rang. It rang once, twice, three times, and four before rolling into voicemail. He sighed and redialed her number, but still no answer.
He wasn't surprised that she was ignoring his calls, she must be so mad at him. He didn't say a word to her all day even though she'd attempted to speak to him in between classes.
And worse of all he didn't give her a ride back to her hostel or fulfill his promise to take her out on a date tonight. But he did order her an Uber though, he wasn't so much of a jerk to let his girl take public transport because of his childish jealousy.
Climbing out of bed, he stretched his body and threw on a white t-shirt lying on the edge of the bed. He padded barefooted to the kitchen, pulled open the refrigerator, and took a long swig of Chardonnay straight from the bottle.
The amber color liquid washed down his throat, cooling his parched throat. As he pulled the bottle away from his mouth, he stared around the empty living space. He'd never felt alone here. Never.
This was his haven. A place where he can be away from everyone and everything going on in his life. But right now, this haven of his felt goddamn empty without Eniola.
He stalked to the balcony, hoping the scenic view of the nighttime would take his mind off of her. But it didn't. All it did was bring back the memories of the first time he had brought her here.
Damn it. Damn it all to hell. He didn't want to feel this way. He didn't want to feel like his life made no sense without her. Like he had no control over how he felt.
He'd sworn never to give another girl power over him again after Tina nearly destroyed him and yet here he was, vulnerable and so fucking out of control of his emotions.
He knew deep down that he could trust Eniola, she would never betray his trust as Tina did. But he couldn't shake off the feeling of doubt that engulfed him when he thought about her with that guy.
A Snapchat notification popped on his screen, jarring him from his thought. He gently dropped the bottle of wine on the kitchen island and unlocked his phone.
The notification read: foureyed_angel just posted a story.
Dayo tapped on the notification and watched as the app opened and Onome's story filled the screen. She was wearing a very short black leather skirt and a white crop top. Gone were her glasses, replaced with a bright blue contact lens.
He could make out the wild feminine screams through the ear-deafening music. The neon lights were blinding even through the phone screen. When did Onome become such a party animal? He thought to himself before tipping the wine bottle over his mouth.
He tapped on the screen to view the next story and nearly choked on a mouthful of wine. He groaned out a curse as Eniola appeared on the screen. So this was why she wasn't picking up his calls.
Where the fuck did she go dressed like that? Hell no!
He checked the Snap map for their location and saw that they were somewhere around campus. Cursing loudly, he grabbed his keys, and hurried out of the door, slamming it behind him.

RomanceBook One of the Best Bet Series 🔥🔥🔥18+ Only!!! "The best thing about panties is taking them off." Adedayo Bankole is well-connected and popular. A 200 level student of the university of Lagos. Dayo is charming and beloved, an ardent player with...