Chapter 27: Attempting Retreat and a New Strategy

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As soon as I was back within the hangar of the Malevolence, I got out of my ship and ran back towards the bridge, given how large this ship was, I did need to take the rail system that had been installed to reach from one end to the other.

While on the rail, there was a loud bang as the entire ship shook. I staggered a bit but managed to keep my balance, I scowled and muttered to myself "The Republic isn't wasting any time." The transport reached its stop and I instantly hopped off and ran down the corridor.

Reaching the lift at the end, I entered and ascended up to the bridge. The door opened as I stepped out and instantly gave the order "We need to retreat immediately!" At the far end of the room, Grievous was stood in front of a hologram of Dooku.

The cyborg and responded "That was the plan!" I pointed "Well then, prepare to jump to hyperspace." Before he could comment, one of the Droids called "Uh, Minister?" I turned to glare at them, silently indicating for them to speak.

The Droid pilot sounded nervous as they explained "The hyperdrive is severely damaged. Hyperspace would be impossible." My eyes widened in both shock and anger. I tried my best to keep calm though as I asked "Is it repairable?" The pilot droid responded "Eh, we think so, but it could take time."

I instantly instructed "Do that then!" Turning to the remaining droids on the bridge, I added "In the mean time, focus power on the rear shields, protect our engines and bridge until we can get the hyperdrive fixed!"

Another droid spoke up "Minister, the engines are already damaged, we don't know how long they can last." I responded "Then focus on keeping us on track and maximise power to the rear deflector shield!"

That's when I was cut off by Dooku sternly addressing me "Y/N! Calm yourself!" In an instant, I calmed down and stated "Yes Count." Even if I'd calmed down, I still felt uneasy about the situation. The amount of credits this ship cost, I didn't want it going down the drain.

Stepping towards the hologram of Dooku, he turned back to Grievous and made a gesture with his hand saying "As you were General." The ship continued to shake under the blaster fire, my plan to raise the shield's power at the back had bought us some time.

Grievous informed him "The ship has, sustained extensive damage." Dooku just stared at us both sternly. "General, Minister. I have arranged a trap that will win you both an advantage over the Jedi."

I asked "An advantage? What kind?" Grievous however initially rejected the idea, telling the Count. "I assure you, that is unnecessary." Dooku quickly talked the Kaleesh down, eyes narrowed, saying "Do not compound the your failure this day by allowing our prized warship to fall." With that I agreed, anything to keep this vessel operating.

Grievous declared "My lord, they will never capture me or this ship!" I stepped forward "Count, as soon as the hyperdrive is fixed, we will be able to escape. I'm curious though, what was that advantage you mentioned?"

Dooku answered, explaining "Heading towards you is a very important Galactic Senator. With her as your hostage, they will call off their attack." Both me and Grievous bowed, Grievous responded "Yes my lord." I replied "Yes Count, as you wish."

With that the transmission was cut, I smirked and commented "Now, we just wait for our little guest to arrive"...

Padme POV

"My lady, are you sure the information from Chancellor Palpatine is, reliable." 3PO asked in his usual worried tone. I pushed a few buttons on the ship's console as we got closer to our destination, I began making preparations to come out of lightspeed when I replied.

Image of C-3PO:

"Yes, it was secretly given by the supreme executive of the Banking Clan himself

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"Yes, it was secretly given by the supreme executive of the Banking Clan himself. If they leave the Separatist Alliance, it will go a LONG way to shorten this war." My attention turned back to the console as I saw we were right at our destination. "We're approaching the system now." Reaching out, I pulled us out of lightspeed, expecting to see a planet off in the distance.

Instead, I was met with a giant ship engulfed in flames! Judging by its design it was Separatist in design. 3PO blurted out "Oh my goodness!" I responded "This isn't right, that's a droid warship! We're in the middle of a battle!"

I barely had time to swerve out of the way, avoiding a collision with the oncoming ship. I saw various blue bolts firing past it, it seemed several Republic crafts were in pursuit of it. They must have noticed us, because soon a voice began coming through the communicator. "Naboo Cruiser, identify yourself."

I introduced myself "This is Senator Amidala!" Straight away I heard the voice of Anakin "Padme?! What are you doing out here?!" 3PO managed to bring up a hologram of him as I answered "I was sent on a special mission. The Senate was told the Banking Clan wanted to negotiate a treaty."

Anakin warned "Get out of there as fast as you can!" Before I could even contemplate his instruction, it was too late...


"Sirs, we're scanning a small ship off our bow." Both me and Grievous stepped forward, I was surprised at first when I saw it was a ship of Naboo origin. So, Senator Amidala was to be our ticket out of here. Very well.

Grievous commented "Good. Our hostage has arrived." I turned to him saying "Let's keep this as civil as possible if we can. Killing a Senator will only put an even bigger target on our backs." Grievous turned to me, gave a silent nod before turning back to the droid and ordering.

"Activate the tractor beam!"

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, we're in the final parts of the Malevolence arc, after that we have the 'Duel of the Droids' arc. I really hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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