Thirty seven

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I move along and  didn't stop  walking until I came upon a familiar octangular in shape  building. Here too were  Gargoyles their mouths open in silent angry  snarls. The figures  were   everywhere I looked from the wide flat steps that led up to the  front  of  the balcony to the sloping of the roof. And they were so  detailed  and  lifelike that they actualy seemed like they'd been real at  one  time,  real-monsters crawling all over the building until something  or  someone  had frozen them in place.

Once I got to the library I eyed the gargoyle parched on either side of the grey stone steps. The statues loomed over me and both gargoyles sat at attention heads high.

Ignoring  them  completely I walk up the small flight of duo stairs without  touching  the handrail  encased in a chunk of frozen water.

Using my sleeve I pull on the frozen door handle but it didnt budge open.

Looking  past the glass I use my hands as make shift binoculars to see if I could perhaps gain a   better picture of what was ging on but as far as  my eyes could tell  it  was pitch dark and there was no movement coming  from the inside.

I was growing anxious   because nobody was around to tell me why the  library was closed. With no  evidence of any   movement I turn away from the building with my head  down, insert my   hands in my pockets, and sigh. Sullen and forlorn I put  one foot in   front of the other and descend from the top of the  stairway.

Once I hit  base level I wrap my arms in front of my buttoned up heavy coat,  because I was shaking, and look  around the   desolated stretch of a once upon a time well-established  stamping  ground  but see nothing out of the ordinary.

It was barren save for myself. No librarian to give me that 'you're here again' look.

No classmates running late to class. I was cold. So very very cold and tired. I wanted to go to my dorm, to take a bath and to forget.

I wither underneath my   jacket in the storm. The only noise that my ears  could possibly detect   was the howling of wind which was pretty loud so  if someone were  yelling at me from a distance I wouldn't be able to hear them in the first  place.

I was used to being   alone but at that moment, standing in the middle of a  snowy windstorm for the first time I aw  myself for what I was. And that frightened me.

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz