Seventy six

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i was alone finally.

i turn a page to a new chapter. it was amazing how i could think and read at the same time. of course every other paragraph i would loose valuable information about the main character but i kept on reading through each sentence anyway.

i smile looking up when i see two familiar people. "what are you guys doing here?" all in all it was a great distraction.

unfortunately i couldn't say it were true for wesley. he seemed none to pleased to find me in the library. maybe wesley was territorial and didn't want me taking over his spot.

"toby mentioned you might be here." mason answers for me giving a sidelong glance at Wesley.

i close my book. "he did?" i tried not to sound too pleased that Toby mentioned me but i didn't think it worked. if anything i sounded eager to my own ears. i cough trying to hide the fact that i was content. "i mean oh yeah? doesn't sound like Toby. what'd he say?" 

Wesley eyed me with a momentary animosity hardening his face. he nods looking around. "he was real specific about it too. said we would find you in the back; and here you are." his tone was serious and non-joking.

my smile fades. "about that. i can explain." i start to get up. and here it was. the event that i'd tried so hard to keep from happening. For whatever reason Wesley hated Toby and vice versa. Mason was just as pleased.

Great. now my friends were mad at me. but it wasn't my fault. i didn't even know why Toby would mention about me i thought he hated me. 

mason walks in front of me putting a comforting hand to keep me in the chair. "please. that's not necessary." his voice was soft and warm. 

he glances at wesley bumping shoulders with his best friend. "isn't that right dude?" mason says. 

wesley's mouth contorts. "totally." his thin lips twist.

somehow i didn't believe that he was fine. forget awkward. the silence was troubling. 

i had a feeling that somehow i did something wrong and without knowing it i'd disrespected Wesley.

i clear my throat before speaking. "not that im not thrilled. what are you two doing here?" i ask looking at them both uneasily.

mason was the first to sit down. "projectors on the fritz again. tough to say if the teacher was more thrilled or we were." he grins taking out a small packet of sunflower seeds.

i whistle low. "wow. she sounds awful." i was glad not to have that class.

mason pours his mouth with food. "are you kidding? shes the best." he says chewing obnoxiously.

wesley glances at me. his attention was distant and calculated. "so. reading, huh." he nods at the book in my hand.

i look down at my lap to regain my strength. he was still mad and i wasn't sure how long it would last. "that's pretty much the point." i say in deep thought.

i brought my head up and noticed they didn't have any books in tow. "why do you come to the library if you aren't here to study?" i ask either one.

i laugh when they speak at the same time.

"to sleep." wesley says. 

"to eat." mason says. 

i shake my head. "geez. say that louder so we get kicked out." i joke

mason points with his thumb. "i'll just stick wesley on her."

wesley rolls his eyes. "please." he mocks. "your ticket expired long ago." he sits back in the chair next to mason with his legs open.

i smile catching his eye. it was good to see him cheerful again.

"so." mason draws out catching my attention. "don't chime in yet just listen." he gestures with his hands.

i sit up with my back close to the chair. Wesley was close to falling asleep. "okay." i glance at wesley though he didn't seem to know what mason had up his sleeve. his eyes were half closed and his head was tilting. 

to satisfy my curiosity i went along with whatever Mason said. 

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now