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"Another unlovable kid thrown in the cage for money and a mediocre family reputation? I figured." she said, standing so close I could feel her hot breath on my cheek. "What? Are you going to cry because mommy and daddy don't love you?"

I felt stupid mainly because her intimidation worked. As long as I didn't move she would target me just to prove something.

I was never the kind to judge a book by its cover. Maybe that's why, as I stared at her, I tried to find some redeeming quality. I was confidant that there was more to her than all that bottled up anger. Every piece from the buckle laced boots, and jewel encrusted jeans, up to the signature gold chain fastened around her neck went together perfectly creating one picturesque harmonized style.

She looks at me with pure hatred. "Do us a favor and stop your pathetic whining. Do you hear me? No one cares about you. You're just another unlovable rat."

Darcy gets up to separate us. "Yo! Indigo, chill out. She didn't do anything to you. Calm down." He takes a quick glance toward the front of the hall, where Toby stands, surrounded by new students that seemed to be asking a million questions.

Mines was a cruel fate to get kicked out before I was absolutely certain that I wanted to stay. Another second and Toby could bust all of us if he wanted. Sure, he was busy organizing a few things but Toby's focus could easily be directed elsewhere if Indigo kept it up.

With Josh's help they manage to pull her away from me.

I take a step back and fold my arms so they wouldn't see how much my hands were shaking. These people were criminals, like, real criminals. They didn't burn down an empty building like I did and as I scanned the room I wondered just how many of these people had hurt someone in their misdemeanors.

With a serious expression, Kira plays the third person mediator. She takes a few steps toward Indigo, who was still leering at me. "Get yourself together," says Kira sternly.

Watching for a sign if Toby would intervene grew tiresome. He was taking forever just to stack two different piles of completely dissimilar sheets of paper while Indigo, on the other hand, was free to continue on with her brutal attack. His casual demeanor had me worried.

I was still standing behind Kira. I did my best not to provoke Indigo by looking at her, but this task proved to be challenging given how short Kira was compared to us.

"What are you thinking? Don't you understand Toby would love nothing more than to put you on a bus," continued Kira. "You wanna see your mom again? Then sit down and take a breather."

I had to admit, it was impressive how cool Kira remained.

Indigo didn't say a word.

When they remain silent Darcy leaves and sits on the table while Josh accompanies Indigo to the back of the room.

Relieved but still cautious I try processing what just happened. Sure I was messed up in all kinds of ways, but never did I take part in a fight where fists were involved. That kind of stuff I saw in movies.

"Don't worry about her," says Kira, placing her head on my shoulder. "When she's not detoxing she's harmless."

I turn my head slightly, careful not to get poked in the cheek by her tall hairdo. I was certain that her hair could be used as a weapon . I didn't know much about females, but I was certain it was unusual for someone you just met to be this touchy feely.

People at my old school steer clear of me and for a good reason. Let's just say I wasn't exactly known as the outgoing type. Actually, everywhere I went people knew me as that weird chick. I wasn't Kira's kind of weird, but I guess branching out from my usual method of doing things wasn't that bad.

"So, uh, what's their deal?" I ask.

Kira runs her hand through a lock of my brown hair and I tense. "Who? Them?" she replies in an even tone.

"Hmm...I don't know. Despite the obvious fact they're fraternal twins I'm not entirely sure what their story is."

That's when Kira finally released me.

I felt my body unclench and was

thankful to be free of her.

Within the last twenty minutes or so, I had more human contact than I could tolerate. I could feel the walls starting to cage in on me and was forced to take a few steps away from the group. I didn't want to offend anyone, but right now, I needed the space.

I had to calm myself before I had another anxiety attack.

The last thing I needed was someone witnessing my hysteria because that would mean I would have to answer questions. I did enough of that with Dr. Cambridge.

I could feel my thoughts spiraling off again.

I tried so hard to have the entire world as my front and center stage, but I was the main dancer showcasing an impromptu solo. It didn't matter how well I masked the character because sooner or later that same feeling of dread came seeping back and prevented me from taking a breath.

They did try convincing me to believe there was no immediate threat of danger but I still had to look over my shoulder. Dr. Cambridge called it post traumatic stress disorder. Technical term aside, I was expected to get over my best friend dying without showing traumatic indicators of regression.

They tried different methods to help me cope and even suggested medication, but none of it worked. Bottom line was, they wanted me to forget, but I wouldn't let her memory fade.

It's why I got the tattoo.

Toby walked over to Kira. 

"Aislin, This is Toby. Forever stick up the behind, This is my Aislin." She narrowed her eyes at the boy who stood in front of us. "You ogre, Play nice and say hi before I stick the professor on you."  

I gave him a small wave of the hand. We had already met but I doubt he realized that. All girls must look alike to him. 

I couldn't talk. I had the crazy itch again that screamed too close. I wanted to back away and let them have at it. By the narrow set of eyes and locked jaws I took a stab and said they were not friends. Acquaintances was too endearing of a word. Old rivals from the weird energy. 

The guy brushed me off. With a deep scowl he rebuffed her attempt at being cordial. 

"you're not supposed to even be here. I really hoped you wouldn't return. I was getting used to the quiet." He told kira then walked off. 

"Don't worry about him. Just do what I do. Pretend he;snot around. Like I was saying; You'll get used to the people. But seriously, stay away from him. He's a bad kind of trouble. Nothing good comes from the likes of him." 

That would be too difficult to do, but I didn't tell Kira that. Toby was the kind of person who commanded your attention, whether he was nice or not. Maybe I was fooling myself but I had an instinct and it was telling me that that tall emo would be impossible to ignore. 

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now