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kiras far fetched theory was right. there was one door that was, and according to Kira, the only accessible entrance from the outside. i found it easily enough. instead of a door handle there was a hole that was big enough to put a rock through. well that wasn't irregular. whether acting on gut instinct or done by pure illogical thinking, it was hard to say, i reached up positioning my hand to fit inside and through the small hole that was in the wall.

i take a couple steps back away from the door when i hear a loud clicking sound but my hand wouldn't move. heaps of sharp needles sliced through my skin and I found myself becoming surprised when i felt a trickling of what i was sure was my blood trickling and splashing down and past my senseless fingertips onto stone. on the walls of the building that loomed before me I could see my blood trace across the monstrous slab of concrete in different energy shapes of overlapping circles like the ones i'd seen in energy books back at starkhouse.

When the entire building was traced over with my blood I heard a strong metallic sound fall into place and a wall disappeared before my very eyes. Light poured from the inside of the building and into the night behind me momentarily dispelling the darkness while the door opened up for me.

taking a deep breath i entered the catacombs quickly and quietly before the mirage door closed in on me.

thankfully i had access to a lit torch which i took with me for security purposes. it was faint but i swear i could hear chanting and thought maybe if i followed the noise then i would find my way back out.

It was a bit creepy and I was scared okay.

There were things in here that I didn't very much like that i didn't want close to me. interestingly just as kira suspected the scorpions kept to themselves separating from my sight once I got close enough to them. Apparently they didn't seem to like me as much as i didn't care for them. peculiar but i didn't think anything of it.

i stop walking once i get to a three way section. I groaned. Well how spectacular.

there was no way for me to know if either tunnel was the correct one let alone if they merged like i thought. i stand in front of each tunnel and end up choosing to use the one from which i could distinctly detect people talking. the set of voices were in assortment of high and deep pitch tones that reverberated past the tunnel i walked through setting off my eardrums.

the chanting blared into a thundering and resounding roar as i took the left passageway deeper into the tunnel. as i followed the sound farther into the one-way tunnel it became clear to me that it didn't sound like more than one person speaking as i first thought. 

the voice was male. a man was chanting offbeat syllables over and over again as if it were some formal practice of his. from my time spent with the headmistress the language was similar to casting a spell only this wasn't like that.

i didn't know what gave me away. the strange light that suddenly came into apparition around my body or he was extremely perceptive. either one was impressive. 

"the torch has served its purpose. you may set it aside now." funny thing was he looked normal for having like a millennium life span. if i saw him in some drug store in any city i would never have spotted him out as being an angel. though i supposed that was the idea. 

his intense charm invited me to know more. it was eerie how being near him affected me in such a calming manner.

i did as he said by hanging the used torch up on the wall.

after a while i decided to look around. cool, there was that star seed thing toby talked about. it wasn't as big as i'd thought it would be. the orb was a lot smaller than i pictured it during tobys reenactment and it floated over a small table.

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now