fifty six

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"we're friends." i tell Rachel with painstaking patience as if i were explaining a three-year-old what Not to touch.

furthermore i didn't understand why Rachel was fishing so hard to begin with. i wasn't worried though because there was nothing going on between Me and Wesley. soon she would figure that out and leave me alone.

Rachel raises a thin pencil-drawn eyebrow. "riiight. c'mon, he is attractive." Rachel says matter of fact. she folds her arms unconvinced.

rachel narrowed her kohl rimmed milk chocolate brown eyes and sneered. "i don't believe you. i think you're holding out on me because you don't want me to know about your little boy toy; not that i'd try to steal him from you. its not like he's interested in hooking up with one of us or having a threesome so you can relax. besides, i don't do sloppy seconds. " rachel sneered.

"quit embarrassing aislin." mya sticks up for me.

i threw mya a grateful look when rachel didn't notice.

"fine." Rachel huffed, annoyed, and eyed me irritably as she speed walked past us.

i stayed back and watched while an outraged Rachel stomped her way through the hallway with her platform high-heeled shoes clicking on the waxed surface of the hardwood floors and i made a face when she slammed open the metal door with the square Plexiglas in a huff.

And there went my mood. just when i was having a good time someone had to go and mention Wesley.

though i'd been seen talking to Wesley that didn't automatically propel me into their world of popularity. according to mya girls from similar social scenes fished around for information about who i was and even though they knew my name no one randomly came up to me, not that i wanted them to.

mya understood my need to stand behind the limelight but that didn't stop her from trying to get me out and in the public eye.

maybe i was missing a chromosome.

i couldn't give people what they wanted, even if they thought it would bring me out of my comfort zone, that's just not who i was.

sweatpants and reading books late at night were what i lived for.

it was easy for me to loose myself in someone elses story for a little while; it certainly helped get me out of my head and stop obsessing over the things that i couldn't do anything about.

i couldn't change the fact that i was a freak. i couldn't get rid of the feeling that i didn't belong in such overblown extravagance that was stark house that put up with spoiled rich teens and me, the girl with a "mental problem".

and not even by loosing myself through reading did it change the fact that no matter how much i read could i forget how very much i did not belong. i was just too different.

coming to the present moment, i wondered how mya could come up with such a good hoax. she would've had to find the time to pull it out last minute without me knowing; lately i got sidetracked so often that wouldn't be a problem. 

i did a double take as a lifelike hand popped up from out of nowhere and snaked its way past me and on top of mya. "ahh!" mya screamed and i jumped.

Bummer. so it wasn't mya playing jokes on me.

"ladies." josh smiled. he wrapped his arm around mya and smashed his hip with hers. "i got a couple friends up for whatever this weekend. say yes and i'll light a fire underneath you." he promised grinning from ear to ear.

EWWW. i stuck a finger in my mouth while Mya was looking and rolled my eyes at Josh. 

to my surprise mya didn't shoo josh away. she seemed to be considering it; though i wasn't sure if mya knew that he was offering himself to her. 

"i'm down." mya narrowed her eyes. "but you have to come to my dorm and its not a date." 

Hm. maybe she wasn't as clueless as i'd thought.

josh grins. "cool. i'll bring the fun." he winks at Mya.

"bye ladies." josh slinks away from us and snakes past another group of friends and breaks into the gym.

Tasha scoffs. "josh?" she shook her head and looked at mya critically. "that does not make sense."

"whats wrong with josh?" mya narrowed her red eyebrows and pouted her lips. "yes he's an idiot who follows everything your boyfriend says but he's fun and i'm not planning to do anything with him. unless you think it's some kind of a trap to get me drunk?" mya asked holding the door open so that Tasha and i could go inside the gym first.

ok. so maybe i was wrong to think mya could get with Josh. after all, there was only one boy on her mind and that wasn't josh.

after mya had closed the door behind her tasha looked at her point blank. "well, yeah. i think you've been stuck on toby for so long that you don't even notice the boy who's in love with you."

mya laughed. "josh in love with me? Rachel's right brian is changing you." mya said without any of the heat there would have been if Rachel suggested it.

Tasha rolls her eyes. "there's nothing wrong with being in love." up the spout and down the tubes. tashas head was disconnected from her body and stuck in her own la-di-da world. even if TashaBrian went kaput something tells me Tasha would still believe in love. 


in the gym boys and girls were sitting on the floor while both coaches worked together to get the projector going.

ms. pratt wobbled with great speed as she rolled the cart forward and past a row of students. "you guys need to move." ms. pratt informed a circle of girls that got up and out of her way fast. 

ms. pratt continued pushing the cart and wheeled the projector around until the lens faced to the front.

at ms. pratts signal coach Ajax pulled down the white screen.

someone hit the lights.

"looks like she found a spot." mya said looking at rachel who'd gotten chummy with two guys i'd seen in the courtyard. they were sitting awfully close to one another and if that grin on Rachel meant anything she was thinking about getting closer. 

Tasha grabbed myas hand. "come on. lets go sit down before it starts." tasha whispered keeping her voice low because the movie had just turned on.

mya shrugged her shoulders at me. "you heard her. follow the leader aislin." mya mimicked in a low voice.

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now