sixty three

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thankfully i get to class before the first bell rang.

i took a quick detour to my table before mr. baryo could notice who was in their seats. toby wasn't sitting at the table and i couldnt help but wonder where he was.

stuck at his desk for the remainder of the period, mr. baryo had us doing classic textbook assignments while he graded papers. at least mr baryo tried to make his class interesting by sometimes letting us play games and do puzzles and stuff, rather than just memorize boring facts.

today was not one of those days. but today wasnt going to be a fun day. i rolled my eyes and did as he requested. too bad for me i had no idea where to find the answers. i was having one of those god awful rotten mornings when i could have used a much needed silver lining or you know, a cheat sheet.

my paper had more black eraser marks than script.

sometime after i opened my textbook toby walks in and hands the teacher a pink slip before sitting down.

"i don't know." mya crooned. "are you sure he likes girls?"

i had a headache. and this conversation was pulverizing what patience i had left. "im not sure and im not interested in finding out." her intense attraction went from innocent to down right pathetic.

mya was supposed to be getting a pencil from me but too bad for me she decided to have small conversation. yay. 

mya stared at toby with hungry eyes and i attempted not to loose my cool. "since hes your lab partner can you mention me to him?"she asked me underneath her breath.

i watched Toby make his way to the back of the room. the guy had a permanent sulk to his sculpted features as if he dwelled on issues that went beyond the students in the classroom that brought about the moping and the brooding and the permanent scowl that always seemed to be there.

"were not like that. we dont talk." i try telling a disbelieving mya. my attempt to prove that i wasnt friends with toby didnt register with mya. 

"oh please" mya rolls her eyes. "you spend everyday with him and you expect me to believe that. relax. i just want to get to know him thats all." she said, waving her manicured fingernails in the air.

she like many were underestimating how well i knew the bad boy. i tried not to care so much but i always managed to get roped in. 

"he barely acknowledges my existence and i sit next to him. what makes you think he'll care what i have to say? besides, why do you want to waste your time on him for?" there had to be someone else. anyone else would be a better choice for her.

mya smiles. "well, i think hes cute even though he repels the entire student body i wouldn't mind being his lab partner." she didnt have any qualms about openly staring at him either.

i look at toby from the corner of my eye. "eugh." somehow i resist the urge to shiver.

mya stood next to me ogling him without a care. maya elbows me not noticing when toy made a lip.

"hello." i smile at the dirty look when Toby glowered at me. he was annoyed. good. lets see what he thinks of this.

grinning, i introduced the pair. i turn to my friend showcasing her off like a Rolls Royce on prime market.

mya didn't know toby like i did and i knew he didn't care about mya in the way that she wanted. but mya was my friend and even though toby would end up disappointing her i wanted to help.

who knew? there was a cause-and-effect law about good deeds. the universe had to throw me a bone for this one. "this is mya. mya you know toby." i say dutifully ignoring his show of disapproval while i was practically jumping in my seat with excitement.

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora