ninety eight

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after the initial attack on Stark House i was distrustful of many people that i presumed to be a possible suspect for the murder of Mason Maxwell the third.

classes were scheduled again leaving many of us without time for much leisure activities. the homework distraction was good. with studying and leafing through pamphlets my brain had little room left to worry. 

of course that feeling of dread never went away. it was always there. my silent reminder that masons death was just the beginning. 

just because i happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time meant nothing.

the headmistress didn't give me any leeway. she was just as tough with me as any of her students. in fact, we never spoke about my grandmothers coven or magic again. truthfully i was relieved. it was good to know that some things at Stark House remained as they should.

i jump when i hear a ringtone. heads start to turn and students immediately check their pockets and purses in case it was their cell phone that rang but by then the noise went away and everyone started going back to writing the daily prompt. 

when the same ringtone sliced through the air the headmistress lifted her head from the podium and began the inquisition of whose phone it was. suddenly purses were being lifted and pockets checked. i went to look for an eraser and that's when i found the phone one of the angels gave me to use. 

it was vibrating and that's when i stupidly realized i forgot to put it on silent. after lowering the volume all the way down i quickly hit messages and furiously scrolled down. 

Is this aislin? someone texted. 

i couldn't get busted for this. i looked around the room and decided i should at least answer whoever it was. "Yes." i typed

the headmistress shuffled papers on the podium and when her name was called upon went over to a student in need of help. 

in the moment of opportunity i looked back down at the phone and checked to see if i had any missed alerts but there were none. not even seconds later and the phone silently vibrated in my hand. 

"Good to know you didn't give me the wrong info. Trust is important between a teacher and student." it read

me "Who is this?"

"Wessex woods next to the school. you know of it?"

i hesitate....."yes" i answer

"be there tomorrow. lets say.....four -ish. You better not keep me waiting.....and leave your little ghost companions behind."

between catching up on angel stuff with toby and striving to maintain a decent grade point average so that i wouldn't get kicked out i hadn't seen the ghost forms of mason or channel in weeks.

I knew for sure that i could no longer trust rider. during the past few days I've stayed clear of him. though i couldn't say the same for when i slept.... 

in my dreams i was defenseless and knowing that he took full advantage of that fact. people were beginning to take notice that something was off when they saw me. i couldn't eat, i was afraid to sleep in fear that i might see him in one of my dreams.

practically the only place i was unaccompanied was in my dreams and even there i was being bombarded. or more like open fired. choose your pick.   

what could i say? that my grades were suffering because i was being stalked by rider whose real name is samuel as in angel samuel? 

pffft. fat chance they would believe me. 

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat