Forty six

130 6 0

After the riveting talk with Josh i couldn't help but notice the flawlessly unoriginal similarities of both girls in front of me. I didn't want to but it was already on my mind so i had to look.

it was like those fast commercials that snuck up on you at the last second that you had no choice but to look at. 

one of them- the tallest- had glossy platinum blonde curls exposing a pair of impeccable blue swarovski earrings that sparkled on both ears like champagne flute glasses and the other- a short brunet, was sporting bleached highlights and was dressed in the same manner wearing a nice fitted black skirt that showed off her legs even though we were knee deep in snow thanks to the practically year round winter season, stylish ballet flats covered her small feet, and a long sleeve prune colored cardigan showed off her shoulders, except this one had grey hearts on it whereas the blondes cardigan was teal with pretty -gag!- pink hearts.

Stark house may have had its rules but there wasn't a mandatory uniform restriction and the students could get away with a lot.

i wasn't interested in their conversation unlike some people who eavesdropped on others to gain juicy information they could spread.

i look away from the girlfriends and quickly find Toby tapping his pen on the desk looking utterly and completely bored.

he was probably frustrated that i was taking up his valuable time.

i was starting to know Toby as well as the dexterity in my right hand. any subtle incriminating cues would come a long way in finding out just what Toby and Wesley were arguing about on the quad.

of course i was all for pretending like nothing happened after the fight and everything was right side up in my world. all the while covertly finding any reason to eavesdrop on my new friends, of course. 

there was obviously something going on that involved Toby and the reason for all the super secretive meetings he'd had with Wesley and i was determined to find out what. 

both guys tried to act like they didn't know one another and it was especially obvious that Wesley detested Toby. of course kira knew but she wasn't telling me and i couldn't help but speculate how far the trios tie went.    

i return my attention forward and discovered the line was at a standstill.

curiosity getting the best of me i roll on the very tip of my shoes and stretch my neck like a flamingo up and over the blondes shoulder to see what the hold up was, and if they could hurry it up, only to find -surprise, surprise- majority of the sorority girls goofing off as if we were in San Francisco at a beauty expo or something.


surprise, surprise.

i was stupefied that mr. baryo was not being due diligent on his way over to bust each and every student for playing around and preventing those who actually wanted to pass the semester from completing the assignment.

upon further examination i recognized a bunch of mundane items on the cabinet counter that i hadn't observed until now. they were objects that i needed to seize and clutch that had virtually nothing to do with the other.

firstly, there were coffee filters that were stacked high with no coffee machine anywhere that i could see which i thought to be highly unusual because why else would any person need coffee filters if not to make a batch of chocolate colored java.

Unless they didn't like the taste of joe. Pfft. they looked like tea drinking snobs if i'd ever been introduced to one.

and then i remembered why we were supposed to use the strips for. 

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now