one hundred

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"Did you bring it?"

"mHmm." i mumble not understanding why on gods green earth we needed such useless items to create magic for. when the scary girl standing across from me glares terrifyingly at me I hurriedly unzip my backpack sack and bend down reaching far down into its contents. 

"One bottle of water." I say unceremoniously grabbing it from out of my backpack.

"Cool." Danika opens her palm flat and gives me a censored look." Leave the bottle on the ground and pass me the apple." she orders. 

so I throw it. next i casually put the water bottle on the ground. "What are you going to use it for?" i asked danika curiously looking at the bright red apple she was holding anticipating when she was going to start casting things from spells. 

I eyeballed the apple expecting it to change shape or blow up into chunks when nothing happened I have to say I was disappointed. I didn't know much about magic but what i read online and there wasn't much to go around. Just pages of free spells for beginners. 

now that toby was gone i was working twice as hard. danika was supposed to train me so that i could defend myself. angels fought using magic. it was my choice if i wanted to learn offensive attacks or more passive assaults. i was playing catch up. 

Danika took out a glinting silver knife and expertly twirled it around in the air with one hand. she made quick slices into the apple and put one into her mouth. "I'm going to eat it while you train. Now do this with me. Roll your neck side to side. good. Pop your shoulders forward, right, then left, good now do it faster." Danika shows me what to do and I repeat her moves.

I follow her movements exactly. any minute we were going to bust out the stereo.  

"Close your eyes and bring your attention into your body...." Danika tells me catching me off guard

"You sound like a monk."

Danika pinched her eyes open and glared at me. "Where do you think they got it from?" She asks a matter of factly.

"Now shut up and concentrate." Danika says closing her eyes and looking zenned out.

I close my eyes and breathe in big gulps of air through my nostrils. how do i bring my attention into my body and what on earth would that accomplish? What did that even mean?

I peeked at Danika. She hadn't realized that I was slipping, slipping back into consciousness. 

"As you take deep even breathes imagine your lungs filling growing bigger. now exhale. Do that again instead this time as you slowly exhale create a picture of a calm peaceful environment and imagine yourself standing there."

picture myself standing where? I grew frustrated. What was she seeing that I didn't. Nope. nothing was happening. I wanted to tell her that this psych exercise was not going to work but I didn't because I was scared that she would bite me if I broke her concentration.

"-As you keep taking large breaths notice the shift of breeze in the air." 

how come i didn't notice it. I looked to my left and on my right. There was no shift in the air. Nada. Not even the slightest breeze. Yikes. I must have been really doing this wrong.

"fill your senses with each scent that surrounds you. Put yourself in that same peaceful setting and for a moment let you ears be your eyes." Danika says calmly.

She was speaking to me in another language. Was this supposed to make a difference? No wonder why I never meditated before. My voice was more annoying now than ever. 

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now