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"we have to go." he starts walking not caring that i was still far behind.

i try looking into his eyes but wesley kept dodging my glances. "why?" nothing he said made sense. at the very least i deserved an explanation.

welsey keeps to himself walking ahead of me. "it's simple. you're not safe here anymore." he casually says like it wasn't my future on the line.

i snort. "what? i can't just leave without graduating." the idea alone was unreasonable not to mention a criminal offense.

i stopped entertaining wesley by not following him.

wesley sighs as he reluctantly turned back around to face me. "the headmistress has that part covered. anything else?" he says bitterly.

well, lets see. as i thought about it i considered what he said about the headmistress being in on it. with that part taken care of i had no reason to stay. "well, no. not really. so long as you promise to keep my grandmother safe. oh, and my stuff of course." i tell him. "i'll need my things if i'm going anywhere with you."

Wesleys bold stare had me feeling grim. "done. now lets go. we don't have much time." he shows the way by leading our hike past the gates of stark house.

i take quick glances when i knew he wasn't paying attention.

i didn't say anything even though something was obviously bothering him. it was just good to see him. 

-Only i wished it was under better circumstances.

wherever he was for all that time he certainly didn't bother to keep up with appearances or hygiene. to be frank, he was in dire need of a haircut. his curly blonde hair grew longer down to his neck. i was surprised that he wore the same outfit i saw him in the very last time we got together.

despite the dirt underneath his fingernails he seemed okay to me. i didn't bother myself to ask where he was or why he didn't say goodbye. wesley had made it perfectly clear that he wasn't back to chat in the friend capacity.

i stand off to the side eyeing wesley from afar. "you have a car?" i ask smiling up at him.

wesely looks at me without voicing his usual playful banter. My smile faltered and fell flat into a thin line. "hop in." he said in a bitter acidic tone. everything about his demeanor felt off as if somehow wesley turned into a whole other person in that short span of time he was gone.

his sudden change of behavior was strange. the way he acted was like he didn't want to be anywhere near me. i didn't understand what i said to make him react in such a way that would suggest we never were friends. i wanted to give him space to find his words but at the same time i deserved to be treated better.

wesley sighs when i didn't budge right away to get in.

if i wasn't so mad i would have been able to appreciate such a beauty. Oh happy days. it wasn't everyday that i got to look at a classic up close and personal. What I would give to take a look under that hood.

wesley scowls at the car. "it's for utilitarian purposes." wesley looks at me grimacing. "now, hurry. i cant bend your will for you." he chides me like i was four years old again.

instead of lashing out i try and stay calm. if i was going to be around wesley for a little while i needed to keep myself level-headed before i did something i would regret. like telling him i did not enjoy his stupid hints. why couldn't he just tell me point blank instead of dragging it out like it was some big secret.

"you know your cars." it was blue in color with no visible scratches that i could see.

wesley opens the door. "only ones i like." then wesley thought better of it and shook his head like he was erasing the conversation from the air. "Nah automobiles are not my specialty." he looks away irritated that i didn't figure it out.

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now