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i leaned back, my courage faltering. 

what had they been going on about? a dance and that they were planning on showing up with friends? no-that didn't sound right. something about stark house and if i had wanted to do something with them. 

"hmm? yea, sure, i don't know. maybe" i mumble trance like. "what were we talking about?" i glanced at Mason and at Wesley. And back again.

truth was, it was difficult to consider in what direction the conversation was heading when one of the people in our group was not present and inexplicable need to know how come stole my attention. 

"Watching a movie after school. Remember, there are no dances." Mason eyed me carefully. 

slowly wheels were turning. "this school doesn't have a prom?" because i really wanted to go to one, i thought sarcastically as my gut clenched uncomfortably.

"i know, right? a moronic senior goes foolish and they haven't forgotten about what that idiot did even though its been like forever since this school has facilitated any after school event related to fun."

"you'll have a blast." mason smiles at me reassuringly. "would i ever lie to you? come on, if you don't like the movie than at least drop in and cheer up kira. she likes you, remember. she won't bite your head off."

Wesley snorted.

i knew Mason was offering to include me because he was nice and that was typical of him but i couldn't shake what i felt. 

in spite of my misgivings and whatever the reason for joshs absence, there was a big to-do tomorrow night that had many racing to get their hands on hard-to-manage tickets. 

According to Mason the numero uno person for the job was wesley. 

in masons exact words, wesley was endowed with 'riveting charismatic appeal' which made compelling Mrs. Hancock, the professors independent secretary/activity liaison, a piece of cake. 

"if money is hard to come by and that's what got you so worried this is bigger than that. since wesley here is such a cool guy he's giving us the tickets free of charge." Mason stretches his arm out and pats Wesley on the shoulder open palmed. 

"isn't that right my crony sidekick?" mason coos affectionately, reaching up to pinch wesley on the cheek and missing.

Wesley shrugs Mason's hand away and off his shoulder and rolls his eyes. his back hunches as he turns sideways. wesley snorts. "some friend you are."  

"because we're 'such good buddies' i'm amazed that i don't cut ties and make a clean getaway from you." Wesley tells mason, narrowing his eyes. a sly grin on hollywoods face. "all i do is smile at her and she acts like she's won the lottery or something. i don't hit on her that would be gross."

"so, what? you guys do this often then?" i ask gesturing at the two of them thoroughly amused. "Go to movie night together, i mean." for the moment i let myself forget. josh was a big boy and i really needed to get out of my head and push aside my own stumbling block. 

going out with the boys would make me forget that i wasn't an outsider for a little while. or running wild searching for an invisible portal.

smirking, mason leaned forward, bare arms resting on the edge of the table. his green jewels huge and wide. a glint of excitement sparkled in them. 

mason grinned. "oh, yeah. we never miss Fright Night. It beats going to sleep early when other kids you know are having fun hooking up and getting high." he sits back in his seat and leisurely clasps both hands behind his head, resting in open elbow position. "so you in or out?" mason asks me looking bored.

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now