eighty eight

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i found no humor in the situation. i didnt like to feel lost when i was walking. only by giving him an opportunity would i know if he was leading me astray. too bad my belief in people was how i navigated throughout life.

"stop talking. we're almost there." toby mutters bitterly.

Okay then. he forcefully grabs me by the arm unhappy that i couldn't do what he wanted and play along. it didnt matter if i bickered. toby made it abundantly clear he was not letting go of me. 

Fine then. 

after trying and failing to pry his claw-like fingers off of me i'd struggled to maintain his speedy stride yet somehow i'd managed to keep from tripping. 

toby looks behind us to make sure we weren't followed and opens a random door pulling me in with him. "hurry up." he locks us in grunting about my weight.

"Sooorrry." i roll my eyes ignoring his hurtful comment. Geez, i knew i was heavy but did he have to be mean?

toby pulls me deeper inside the large room. 

i grunt following after him.   

there was simply no way i could break free and i wasn't happy about it. when he finally gained some sense and let me go i was going to run. forget toby. heck, forget mankind. they were not going to lock me up against my will. i had rights dammit.

i could walk by myself just fine thank you very much. it appeared to me that somebody needed a refresher course to be reminded that handling me like some hacky sack was not okay even if his intentions were in the right place. 

sure i was used to his peculiar mood swings but never to the point where i actually was scared to be around him. 

"wheres the headmistress?" toby barks out loud to someone who was sitting on a leather chair while he dragged me painfully by the wrist.

tobys grip was firmly attached to my skin never once dislodging a finger by accident.my hand felt like it would pop off any second and my ankles hurt from all the intense speed walking.   

since i was unable to shake him loose i had no choice but to look around. i didn't recognize where toby was taking me. 

calculating off-hand the room was large enough to become lost in like a corn maze at a pumpkin city fair. there were iron statues in every corner, tall shelves filled with old spines i did not recognize, and weird symbols painted in deliberate order on the walls.

the perfect home for a cult. great, i was inside what was close to the home of satan. just freaking fantastic.

i was so focused on how detailed the symbols were that i accidentally tripped bumping into tobys back. "sorry." i mumble turning red from embarrassment. 

toby looks at me over his shoulder. geez. what was he so worked up over? 

his fiery blue eyes narrowed into angry slits and his lips set into an exasperated line. 

for a second there i feared he might spank me. yikes! i felt like a hysterical chicken with its head cut off. 

"are you always so clumsy?" he grunts walking especially faster now.

i suppress any urges i had to protest that he slow it down since it wouldn't do any good. he was already mad at me and i didn't want to make things worse. 

besides, he was no good at taking orders from me. the stubborn goat. 

after a couple of minutes toby finally stops walking. 

surprisingly he lets go of my arm with careful instructions that i stay put behind him. i snort. what was i three years old again? 

from what i could see there were a handful of tables surrounding us including sofas that i presumed decoration only because the material looked expensive. angels with attitude had style. after all i'd seen somehow that didn't come as a surprise.

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now